Committee Meeting 2024-05-02 18:00 UTC

The meeting will take place at 18:00 UTC at If you do not have audio channel, you may try in the IRC channel #board-meeting on the CAcert IRC network.

Feel free to add a business item within the acceptance period of 48 hours or your question to the board below. Non-committee members: the committee may choose to convert any business proposed as a question in the questions section.

<!> Daylight Saving Time: 18:00 UTC = 20:00 CEST (Geneva) = 14:00 EDT (New York)


Signs that appear in the agenda
<!> Formulated motion on your topic. It will be put to the vote. Adjustments may be made before the vote. A motion must be submitted for resolutions!
{i} Information for your attention. Does not need to be explained or discussed at the meeting. Purpose: Everyone is up to date. (max. 10 seconds) (!) Discussion topic with or with no decision.

  1. Preliminaries one
    1. Chair opens the Committee Meeting
    2. Who is making minutes?
    3. Chair asks whether cacert-board-private or cacert-board maillist or Threema chat or Telegram group includes any items that need to be disclosed to Members.

    4. <!> Accept minutes from 4. April 2024 <!> "I move to accept the minutes of the committee meeting of 4th of March 2024."

    5. Agree on the 6th of June 2024 as date for the next committee meeting. (Following dates probably 4. July 2024, 8. Aug. 2024, 5. Sept 2024 18:00 UTC)
  2. Business
    1. Decisions
    2. {i} e-Mail 1
      issue: treasurer, paypal, affiliate not forwarded
      who: Kim, JanDD

    3. {i} e-Mail 2
      issue: paypal could not send
      who: Kim, JanDD

    4. {i} e-Mail 3
      issue: implement new addtional standards
      who: Kim, JanDD
      done: analysis
      next step: implement SPF, followed by DKIM/DMARC; steps SRS/validation after SGM
      what help needed: Until more people show up to do the actual work, Jan does not see that step 5 (validation) will happen. There is no way this will happen in short term.

    5. OpenID
      issue: alpha or beta version available
      who: Brian, +?
      what help needed:
      next step: glue together

    6. CiviCRM
      issue: install, following plan
      who: Frédéric G
      what help needed: Brian looks for a way outside critical
      next step: Frédéric will install/introduce it for accounting and members list

    7. {i} Big Mail
      issue: review and sending
      who: Etienne, Dirk
      what help needed: none
      next step: finishing; ongoing)

    8. {i} Paypal
      issue: get the money (when, the 180 days are over?) (ClawbackAction)
      who: Frédéric G, Etienne, +?
      what help needed:
      next step: (last steps: e-mail to Singapur)

    9. Class 1 / Class 3
      issue: change the policy
      who: Kim, +?
      what help needed:
      next step: submit proposals or drafts for discussion at Policy group

    10. SGM Future (by FG)
      issue: maybe dissolution of the association?
      Next steps: Discuss the detailed plan (step-by-step of a possible process) for the attention of the SGM
      Who: Frédéric G.
      help needed: ?

    11. Background checks
      issue: keep the ball running; more background checkers
      who: Brian, Etienne
      what help needed: background checkers
      last month: tried to get in touch
      next step: Stay tuned

  3. on hold (for later this year)
    1. Infrastructure: (Dirk)
      1. Start thinking about planning when to do things about new roots, so we are prepared several years in advance, as no certs should have a end-date after any root certificates. Also take a look at the old Escrow article.

      1. How is it going with implementing LetsEncrypt certificates on public facing services, instead of keeping them behind CAcert's "unknown" certificates?

    2. Remote Assurance (Brian)

      1. {i} Creation of remote assurance sub committee (RASC) on the hold until Eva is available for the policy. Secretary got in touch with Eva on Oct. 12.
        "Users Requests, summarized." added by Aleš a) need for a distant assurance (no assurers, no TTP possibility in their country); b) need for the write access to our Wiki.

    3. Background Check
      1. done
        1. {i} BGC for Gero: Interview happened (by Ted&Etienne), committee is waiting for the report (has to be sent by Gero).

      2. pipeline
        1. BGC for Brian: who (no board member in BGC team! (Egal/JanDD) /!\ Brian has to re-contact the two checkers at 01 sept 2023.

        2. {i} BGC for Peter is initiated. (date searching; Interview by Ted&Egal)

        3. {i} BGC for Matthias are initiated. (date searching started in August 2022)

        4. {i} BGC for Sascha are initiated. (language: en or de)

    4. Any other business (board members forgot to ask the secretary to put it on the agenda)
    5. What's coming next? ???
  4. Question Time

    Questions from community members can be added until beginning of committee meeting! As well questions can be asked at "Question Time", without added question here.

    1. Would it be possible to make an Interim Measure? I have prepared the text of proposals. added by Aleš Kastner

    2. "Question One." added by Your Name Comment: Replace "Question One" by your Question and add your name

1. Closing

  1. To remember: Goals 2021/2022 (propositions by board 2020/2021) - Each goal needs a responsible person on the board who keeps an eye on it and reports regularly, keeps in touch with the responsible people. {X} obsolete / (./) started / {OK} waiting for available time

    • push OrgA (Guy)
    • expand PR (Alex cannot do this, wants to hand over)
    • (./) delivering the OpenID Connect integration, for which CAcert is funded by the RIPE NCC.

    • (./) expand background check

    • {OK} remote assurance, if accepted by the community;

    • (./) simplify the certificate creation (this enables the start of various projects from the pipeline)

    • software development and testing
    • (./) New CSR software

    • {X} support SecureU (find an active board member for them in Germany)

  2. Not to forget: Staffing the teams
    1. Applicants to the Infrastructure team
    2. Applicants to the Development team
    3. Applicant to the Critical team

  1. Access to local systems for board members



Committee Archive











































1. Tasks assigned to Board Members and others




Other People Involved



Contact QA/QC Volunteers

10 January 2022

Gero Treuner, Peter Nunn, others?

To begin work, they do not need ABC.











  1. Software Team
    1. Issue 1502: Adapt the UI at to deal with the "keygen" feature having been removed in browsers (Some of this will be met with 1551 )

    2. Issue 1482: Limit validity period of new HTTPS certificates to one year

    3. Issue 1444: PHP - Brian

    4. Issue 1417: Keygen / new CSR software - Bernhard

  2. Organisation Assurance
    1. How to relance OrgA? (Guy)
  3. Grant applications
    1. Protopype Fund (mail to SW Board only)

      1. The Prototype Fund is a project of the Open Knowledge Foundation Germany, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). This is for residents of Germany only. We could create a group of people that work on a project for CAcert (with all support of the others in the background). It runs for two more years, every 6 month.
      2. Infra does not see any acute need at the moment, and does not have the capacity to provide qualified support.
      3. There are some ideas for software, but in infra's view there is still a lot of conceptual and preparatory work missing. What Infra could imagine is financing people to carry out a requirements analysis and write a requirements and test specification. This could then be used as a basis for a new implementation of the CAcert software (WebDB, Signer and perhaps other things like CATS). But these are just a few ideas of JanDD and he cannot currently recommend any people who would be suitable for this. Potential candidates would have to deal intensively with the existing software on the one hand and with the underlying policies on the other, and would have to identify a lot of missing information, ask for it and make assumptions for discussion. This requires very good analytical and communication skills and a high level of stamina.
  1. Blockchain
    1. see here: (waiting for answer from IanG)

Minutes Committee meeting - 2024-05-02

(1) FD will write the minutes.

(2) The minutes of the last meeting are postponed, as FD does not agree with a wording. It is suggested, that he send the secretary a better wording that could added to this paragraphe and voted on June 6th.

(4) Email 3 It should be fixed as soon, as there is some time. Egal will help with the postfix.

(5) OpenID JanDD, Egal and Brian have allready a working machine with some browsers. Kim can use Chrome@Win and Brian Chrome@Linux.

(6) CiviCRM a test system (set up by Brian) will serve as an example for JanDD. FD propose an outsourced solution.

(8) Paypal We are worried as there is no possibility to get in touch with Singapores Finance Authority anymore. How can we make more pressure? The secretary will call Paypal within 24 hours.

(10) SGM FG does not want comments, but contributions at the nextcloud document. The SGM should be before sumer holiday. The secretary insists for the documents he has to have to send an invitation and points to the reglular preliminary lead time. FG propose a meeting in between to discuss the nextcloud document. This meeting will be held on 16.5.2024 with only this point on the agenda.

(11) The background check of Brian is done. The report should arrive within the next days.

(12) Question time








prepare Agenda and Minutes for the next meeting


Software meeting

every 2 month



accounts, contact with treasurer

Brain/CAcertInc/Committee/MeetingAgendasAndMinutes/2024-05-02 (last edited 2024-09-05 19:28:00 by EtienneRuedin)