Committee Meeting 2017-02-01

Committee Members: feel free to add business items within the acceptance period or your question to the board below. Others: add a question to the questions section.


  1. Minutes author prepares the minutes from the last meeting

  2. Minutes author prepares the action items. All action owners to update.


    Update Action Items List




    Talk to Ian -- Contacted

    Vice President

    January, 18th



    Permission preview

    Brian & sub-committee






    January, 31st



    Send mail to list


    January, 31st


  3. Minutes author puts motion m2017xxxx.y to accept the minutes


  1. Preliminaries
    1. Chair opens the Committee Meeting
    2. Who is making minutes?
    3. Accept the minutes from the meeting 18-02-2017.

    4. Accept the minutes from the last meeting / 25-02-2017.

    5. Chair asks whether cacert-board-private maillist includes any items that need to be disclosed to Members.

    6. Chair asks whether cacert-board maillist includes any business items that aren't on the agenda yet.

    7. Chair introduces the URL of action items to the meeting, and asks for discussion.

  2. Business

    Acceptance of Businesses no later than 48 Hours before beginning of Committee Meeting!

    1. Committee
      1. Vacancies (all)
        1. Committee (candidates from Australia) more text needed
        2. P.O. (candidates from New South Wales) more text to be added
      2. Agenda items (Gero)
        • "Regular agenda item disclose items from board-private: For improvement of our meeting I see a need to define the way to deal with this item. Often I hesitate to simply list all topics because someone might consider emails as too sensitive for disclosure, are has other plans with it." Proposition to disclose topics of emails from non-board (if more than a notice with unspectacular content) and results from internal discussion when state comes near to proposal. (link

      3. Association
        1. Accept Ross Krumbholz as a new member (seconded by Gero Treuner)
    2. Arbitration
      1. DRO (Brian)
        • Results of communication with Ian
      2. Proceed with cases through support, into OTRS and onto the wiki
      3. Resignations
    3. Community
      1. Vacancies (Question from Meeting 2017-01-02 by dirk)
    4. Business added by Your Name Comment: Replace "Business One" by Title of Business and add your Name

      • Additional Inputs Comment: Replace "Additional Inputs"by Description of Business, Description of Reason-Why/Purpose, Additional Comments, Additional Documents, Additional Links, if useful for other Committee Members to prepare for Committee Meeting.

    5. et cetera
  3. Question Time

    Questions from Community Members may be added until beginning of Committee Meeting! As well, questions may be asked at "Question Time", without adding those Questions here prior to the meeting.

    1. Question One added by Your Name Comment: Replace "Question One" by Your Question and add your Name

      • et cetera
  4. Closing
    1. Agree on date of the next Committee Meeting
    2. Chair closes the Committee Meeting


1.1 Dirk opened the meeting as chair on 20:02 UTC.

Present: Dirk, Brian, Gero

1.2 Accept minutes from last meetings

1.3 Gero takes minutes for the current meeting.

1.4 Items to be disclosed from board-private

1.5 Actions from last meeting

2.1.1 Committee / Vacancies

Responses from 7 people were received who offered help regarding the vacancies in the committee regarding Australian residents and possible office of P. O. Board is in contact with them and intends to continue as decided in the last meeting.

2.1.2 Committee / Agenda items

A former board decision was mentioned where items on the board-private mailing list are disclosed at a time when they are ready to be disclosed, without an exact reference. Sometimes this means that disclosure is delayed. In discussion questions were raised, as how board-private is defined and whether disclosure applies to mails originally sent to being forwarded. No decision was made, however the guideline is to disclose all topics (in the sense of a headline, not full content) unless valid reasons like data privacy doesn't allow it.

2.1.3 Association

Because loss of quorum for the meeting was approaching, no attempt was made to complete nominations and move. More applications for membership are expected when people offering help are informed about procedures, ideally these are dealt with in one go.

4 Closing

The next meeting will take place on 2017-02-08 at 20:00 UTC in the IRC channel #board-meeting on the CAcert IRC network.

The meeting is closed on 21:28 UTC and the remaining items defered to the next meeting.


=== Actions ===not ready yet .....

See next meeting.