Committee Meeting 2019-08-08 (2019-08-09 in Australia)

<!> The meeting did not take place, as there was no quorum at the beginning 20:00 UTC. Later, the members present in the IRC channel #board-meeting on the CAcert IRC network, took advantage of the time slot to work together on Google Docs on the strategic plan to be submitted to Linux Australia, and the application of CAcert to the Community Bridge portal of the Linux Foundation.


Logfile from informal meeting 2019-08-08


Spontaneous collaboration between the members present made it possible to improve our strategic plan for Linux Australia (document shared on Google Docs), and go ahead with Registering CAcert to the Community Bridge portal of the Linux Foundation. Among other points, it required from us to write a 280 char. max. long Unique Selling Point; our colaborative work made it to be eventually formulated as follows:

Present: Brian M, Frédéric G, Frédéric D


Missing: Etienne R,Peter N, Ross K, Peter M


Brain/CAcertInc/Committee/MeetingAgendasAndMinutes/2019-08-08 (last edited 2019-08-29 13:18:16 by Frédéric Dumas)