To AGM - To AGM/Next - To AGM Board Report 2014
AGM 2013/2014 - Diary
Diary from year before AGM Diary 2010-2013
Proposed date for AGM: 2014-07-20
To review:
Annual Report forward looking statement (2009 - replace with 2013/2014)
DO NOT bother with formatting or links because this has to be reformatted for final publishing in some document preparation tool
only major events are entered here ... if it is better reported by the Team then we should do that.
CAcert's Year
July 2013 to June 2014
- Oophaga closing down
- In spring 2013 Oophaga informed CAcert about it's closedown. An agreement with secure-u! was set up to continue. The final agreements were signed in August 2013.
New roots & escrow
- An agreement was signed to force the generation and escrow of new (audit-conform) root certificates.
- CA/B-forum
- An agreement is to be signed by a CAcert Inc. member to be an interested party in the CA/B-forum.
- New community-portal
- A new community-portal was launched. This is one step to move the "find an assurer"-function from critcal to non-critical.
- Moved CAcert-Hardware to a smaller cabinet
- During winter CAcert-Hardware at BIT was moved to a half-size cabinet to save money. Thanks to BIT!
- New server
- During winter a new infrastructure-server had been installed at BIT. This server is bigger, less power-consuming and therefore saves money. Thanks to secure-u and Thomas Krenn.
- Removed Tunix-firewall and phone-line for router-configuration
- During winter the outdated firewall had been replaced by the critical team.
- Organisation Assurer
- Appointed Andreas Terpotiz as new Organisation Assurer.
- Appointed Daniel Salcher as new Organisation Assurer.
- Trusted Third Party Extension
- Allow TTP-assurers to nominate new team members
- Extended TTP to more countries
- Internal Audit
- Appointed Benedikt Heintel as internal auditor
- CCA agreement change
- Inform all members about a change in the CCA acceptance in software
- Policy Officer
- Appointed Eva Stöwe as new Policy Officer
- PGP/GnuPG keyserver
- Installed a new keyserver to protect privacy when signing PGP/GnuPG-keys
- Heartbleed
- Board recognised the significant effort made by all in resolving this incident.
- continuing moving CAcert to Europe
- A team (build by boardmembers and non-board-members) is working heavily on the move to Europe.
- Security issues
- Heartbleed
- In the beginning of April there were a security issue named Heartbleed.
- Critical servers were not affected, some non-critical servers were affected.
- Software was updated nearly immediately, certificates were replaced and passwords changed.
- Internal secure-team-communication
- Initiated by the heartbleed-discussion team-wide secure-communications was requested.
- Heartbleed
- Arbitration
- Appointed Eva Stöwe as a new case manager and Arbitrator
- Milestones reached during the last year
- CAcert issued over 1 million certificates
- Software team installed the "CCA"-rollout patch, where every member has to agree to the CCA actively
- More than 250.000 CAcert community members
- Added more Hash-Algorithms to extend CAcert certificate security
Inputs & Thoughts
Text / Your Statements, thoughts and e-mail snippets, Please