Arbitration / Training

The Training Course for Case Managers and Arbitrators

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Lesson 7 - You'll take care about a case as CM/A

If you are interested to pickup a case as Case Manager or Arbitrator:

Case Managers notification:

Dear Case Managers, Arbitrators,

Regarding Arbitration case <case number><case number>
I'll take care about this case as Case Manager if nobody objects.
The search for an Arbitrator is still open.

your  signature

Arbitrators notification:

Dear Case Managers, Arbitrators,

Regarding Arbitration case <case number><case number>
I'll take care about this case as Arbitrator if nobody objects.

your  signature




BernhardFröhlich: Small additions, otherwise OK

Arbitrations/Training/Lesson07 (last edited 2020-07-08 19:34:44 by BernhardFröhlich)