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Lesson 51 - Appendix - Advice: Assurer Name Errors

From: CM / A To: Assurer Subject: Advice Assurer Name Errors - Arbitration case a########.#

Hi Assurers,

You have all assured user: <username> with the primary email address: <email address> at <assurance date>.

In the arbitration case a########.#, I've requested a CAP form scan from you guys, that you've thankfuly followed.

On all CAP forms, the Name was readable written as <correct fullname of assuree>. However, the online account contains a wrong Name part <wrong Name>, you all have finished the assurance by transfering your assurance points to the account.

CAcert's interest is, not to penalize the assurers, instead CAcert tries to bring these errors to the attention and starting trainings to assist the assurers to prevent further errors. Therefor the ATEs (Assurer Training Events) was started, there from now on (around April 2009), assurers gets trained.

New community members, inexperienced in handling account data (which name have to be added to which field?) makes possible mistakes in filling out the Join form.

An assurer must count on it. Therefor, beeing the assurer I have to check data not only at the face-2-face meeting by checking the data between ID doxs and the CAP form, so I have also to check the data if I'm at home and try to transfer my assurance points, checking each data between CAP form and account data by conscientious examination. If there is a difference between Account data and the data on the CAP form, I have to stop the assurance by not transfering the assurance points.

The namefield has to be checked the same way as the DoB field. Addtl. names doesn't have to be accepted. This relates especialy to Suffixes that aren't read in any ID doc of the Assuree and therefor not allowed. If you've got presented with at least one ID doc that lists this addtl. Suffix - this can be an academic title and so on - details read under: so you can accept it. Otherwise you have to stop the assurance and file a dispute if you didn't read that suffix in any ID doc but now you find in the online account.

By setting the checkbox in the online form you've confirmed that you've also rechecked the data in the online form.

For background infos about Assurance i propose to read the ATE presentations from the following source:



especialy the document


(slides 6 ff.)


(slides 6 ff.)

that contains the infos about Name handling

If there are any questions, you can add this to the Education mailing list <cacert DASH education AT lists DOT cacert DOT org> There we'll try to answer all your questions.

Each failure or typo means a new dispute filing case. This means, Support and the Arbitration team has to pickup this case, to recheck and verify what happens.

So the easiest rule to follow is: Don't assure a user if the infos in the online account has more infos or mismatches as on the CAP form, that you've verified against the presented ID docs.

Hopefuly you now understand which problems araises thru false assurances especialy if its about typo errors in Names or wrong Name parts.


Arbitrations/Training/AdviceAssurerNameErrorsEN (last edited 2011-04-18 13:39:39 by UlrichSchroeter)