SGM Call and Quorum Size
26(2) In preparation for many more members, it has been made easier to call an SGM. Before it was 5%. Now it is 5% or 20 members, whichever is less. So when we get beyond 400 members, 20 members will be able to call an SGM, and we won't need to round up 5% of the entire western world to do it.
28(2) at a General Meeting we need 15 people to be a quorum, not 5.
Motion to be voted on (New Text)
By deleting rule(26)(2) and inserting in its place:
(2) The committee must, on the requisition in writing or by digitally signed email, of at least 5 per cent of the total number of members or 20 members, whichever is less, convene a special general meeting of the association.
By deleting the word "Five" from rule 28(2) and inserting "Fifteen".
Motion to be voted on (New Text, Werners and Alexanders Version)
Change rule 26(2) to:
(2) The committee must, on the requisition in writing or by digitally signed email, of at least 10 per cent of the total number of members with a maximum of 20 and a minimum of 3, convene a special general meeting of the association.
Old Text
DanielBlack: The plan was to get active members. Rounding up 5% of active member's shouldn't be that hard.
DanielBlack: Calling a SGM shouldn't be absolutely easy. There have been far too many SGMs in CAcerts history and discouraging them is a good thing - as such I've proposed AGM/RuleChange/SpecialGeneralMeetingMinimiumMemberRequest.
Iang: I'm not sure how we can come to that conclusion:
the 2007 SGM (which I chaired on invitation) was the only way we could think of of getting the Association restarted.
the 2008 SGM looks as though it was necessary as well as uncontroversial (from my outsider's viewpoint).
The 2009 SGM: maybe it is too early to know whether we feel it was necessary. It clearly wasn't unnecessary, as a majority sided with the important changes. It was the first faction v. faction general meeting, so there may be a reaction against that.
Iang: as a thought experiment, how many is too many? And why? Is one a month too many? Probably
But one a quarter? Public corporations are supposed to release quarterly results, why not CAcert? Just a thought experiment....
Werner: We have to look in both directions. It should be not too easy to call a SGM but it should not to hard either. As the number of members increase, the rate of inactive members increases too. So I suggest a minimum of 3 members and a maximum of 20 member and a ramp of 10% between them. That means, up to 30 members a quorum of 3 members is required, from 30 members to 200 members a quorum of 10% of members is required and above 200 member a quorum of 20 members is required.