. '''NOTA BENE - WORK IN PROGRESS''' - [[#Inputs_&_Thoughts|Your Inputs & Thoughts]] :-) . '''To [[comma#comma_Arsenal| comma Arsenal]]''' ---- == comma Arsenal - Overview == <
> ==== Core Weapons ==== . '''CAcert.org [[comma/Arsenal/CAcertAssurer| Assurer]]''' . For '''[[comma/Arsenal/CAcertAssurer/People| People]]''' . For '''[[comma/Arsenal/CAcertAssurer/Organizations| Organizations]]''' . '''CAcert [[comma/Identity/Brand| Brand]]''' . '''CAcert [[comma/Identity/Brand#Brand_Name| Brand Name]]''' . '''CAcert [[https://svn.cacert.org/CAcert/PR/Logos| Logo]]''' - Various Official Executions . '''CAcert [[comma/Identity/Brand#Domain_Names| Internet Domain Names]]''' <
> ==== Digital Tools ==== . '''CAcert.org [[comma/Arsenal/CAcertWebsitePortal| Website/Portal - TODAY ]]''' '' - Briefing / Re-Design -> comma Workbench / Technology Laboratory '' . '''CAcert.org [[comma/Arsenal/CAcertBlog| Blog ]]''' '' - Briefing / Re-Design -> comma Workbench / Technology Laboratory '' . '''CAcert.org [[comma/Arsenal/CAcertWiki| Wiki ]]''' '' - Briefing / Re-Design -> comma Workbench / Technology Laboratory '' . Wiki [[comma/Arsenal/CAcertWiki/commaTemplate| comma Template]] '' - Temporary Page Template '' . '''CAcert.org [[comma/Arsenal/CAcertForum| Forum ]]''' '' - Briefing / Re-Design -> comma Workbench / Technology Laboratory'' . '''CAcert.org [[comma/Arsenal/CAcertMailListsMailAddresses| E-Mail Lists]]''' - Integration of actual E-Mail Lists . '''CAcert.org [[comma/Arsenal/CAcertMailListsMailAddresses| E-Mail Lists & E-Mail Addresses]]''' . '''CAcert.org [[comma/Arsenal/CAcertMailListsMailAddresses#E-Mail_Lists_International_Community| International Community]]''' - English Language . '''CAcert.org [[comma/Arsenal/CAcertMailListsMailAddresses#E-Mail_Lists_Local_Communities| Local Communities]]''' - Local Language . '''CAcert.org [[comma/Arsenal/CAcertMailListsMailAddresses#Personalized_Mass_E-Mails| Personalized Mass E-Mails]]''' - Announcements Only . '''CAcert.org [[comma/Arsenal/IRC| Internet Relay Chat - IRC]]''' . '''CAcert.org [[comma/Arsenal/MarketSurvey|On-Line Survey Tool]]''' '' - to be developed, hugi '' <
> ==== Hardware Tools ==== . '''CAcert.org [[comma/Arsenal/PrintMaterial| Print Material]]''' . '''CAcert.org [[comma/Arsenal/PrintMaterial#CCA_-_CAcert.org_Community_Agreement| CCA - CAcert.org Community Agreement]]''' . '''CAcert.org [[comma/Arsenal/PrintMaterial#CAP-Form_-_Neutral| CAP-Forms]]''' . '''CAcert.org [[comma/Arsenal/PrintMaterial#CAcert.org_Leaflets/Flyers| Leaflets/Flyers]]''' . '''CAcert.org [[comma/Arsenal/PrintMaterial#CAcert.org_Posters| Posters]]''' . '''CAcert.org [[comma/Arsenal/GiveAways| Give-Aways]]''' . '''CAcert.org [[comma/Arsenal/Banners| Banners]]''' - Banier . '''CAcert.org [[comma/Arsenal/EventBothMaterial| Assurer Event - Booth-Box]]''' . '''CAcert.org [[comma/Arsenal/PrintMaterial| Print Material]]''' . '''CAcert.org [[comma/Arsenal/Banners| Banners]]''' . '''CAcert.org [[comma/Arsenal/GiveAways| Give-Aways]]''' <
> ==== Mixed Tools ==== . '''CAcert.org [[comma/Arsenal/CAcertPRDocumentation| PR Dokumentation]]''' . '''CAcert.org [[comma/Arsenal/PRContactLists| Contact Lists for On-Line & Print Media - Open Source & Other Communities]]''' . '''CAcert.org [[Brain/CAcert.orgEducation/ATE| ATE - Assurer Training Event Presentation Slides ]]''' . '''CAcert.org [[comma/Arsenal/SponsorshipOffering|Sponsorship Offerings]]''' . '''[[comma/Arsenal/PresentationsPapersWebArticlesInterviews| Presentations, Papers & Web Articles or Interviews]]''' by '''CAcert.org''' '''[[comma#CAcert.org_Community|Community Members]]'''. <
> ==== Development & Design Team for comma Arsenal Weapons ==== . '''[[comma/Arsenal/DevelopmentDesignTeam| Development & Design Team for comma Arsenal Weapons]]''' ---- == Inputs & Thoughts == . YYYYMMDD-YourName . {{{ Text / Your Statements, thoughts and e-mail snippets, Please }}} ---- . YYYYMMDD-YourName . {{{ Text / Your Statements, thoughts and e-mail snippets, Please }}} ---- <
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