## 10.01.2016 AK ---- [[Technology/TechnicalSupport/EndUserSupport/IRC/CZ|Ĩesky]] | '''english''' ---- . '''To''' '''[[Technology#Technical_Support_for_CAcert.org_Community| Technical Support ]]''' for '''CAcert.org Community''' - '''To CAcert.org ''' '''[[Technology/TechnicalSupport/EndUserSupport| End User Support]]''' . '''To comma Arsenal''' '''[[comma/Arsenal/IRC| CAcert.org - IRC]]''' ---- == Systems - CAcert.org IRC Server == . CAcert maintains its [[https://infradocs.cacert.org/systems/ircserver.html|own IRC Server]] for private communications, allowing usage of CAcert-secured SSL-Encrypted IRC traffic for our everyday chat, meetings, and general support. . You can use our IRC service via the following means: . '''Web-Based Access''' .- '''HTTPS''' Connection: '''https://irc.cacert.org''' . '''IRC Client''' .- '''Server''': irc.cacert.org .- '''SSL Port''': 7000 (ircs://irc.cacert.org:7000/CAcert) .- '''Plaintext port''': 6667 (irc://irc.cacert.org/CAcert) <
> === IRC admin === . {{{ Administrative info about irc.cacert.org IRC Administrator Team Administrator }}} === Note about Nicknames, User Names, Real Names === . On IRC, Nicknames are single words starting with a letter or a symbol like _^[ followed by letters, numbers or symbols. Some symbols are invalid for nick names, and generally the abuse of symbols is discouraged. This will be the canonical way to find you on IRC. . User names are generally provided by your Operating System or a specialized Ident daemon, but in absence of that, you can supply a short name, started by a letter. . Real Names are free-form strings you can put your name, a joke, or simply leave the default setting. Note that on most other IRC networks, privacy is a basic concern, so take that into account if you plan to use other network than CAcert IRC server. <
> === Registering Nicknames === .CAcert.org IRC offers registration services, so that access control can be established. . Registering your nickname: type `/msg nickserv help register` and follow the instructions. If your client refuses this command, type `/msg quote nickserv help register` or `/msg raw nickserv help register` instead. <
> === Using/Register Client Certs === . irc.cacert.org is enabled for SSL access and Client Certs connectivity . '''Register Client Certs fingerprint with !NickServ''' . Client Cert login requires a registered Nickname . commands for !NickServ -> /msg !NickServ CERT* * Usage: * /msg !NickServ CERT ADD fingerprint . sample: . irc.cacert.org x^1^): /msg !NickServ CERT ADD 3EF2518017DCB9E164A808F9C2ABFC189C258416 . irc.freenode.net x^1^): /msg !NickServ CERT ADD 3E:F2:51:80:17:DC:B9:E1:64:A8:08:F9:C2:AB:FC:18:9C:25:84:16 . x^1^) freenode accepts fingerprints with colon, irc.cacert.org rejects fingerprints with colon as invalid * /msg !NickServ CERT DEL (fingerprint|number) * /msg !NickServ CERT LIST . Maintains the nickname client certificate list. . If you connect to IRC with SSL, and provide the client certificate with a fingerprint on your certificate list you will be automatically identified to your nickname without having to use the IDENTIFY command. . (source: [[https://lists.cacert.org/wws/arc/cacert-sysadm/2013-05/msg00001.html|SSL-Logon on irc.cacert.org, 13/05/09]] by [[Guillaume_ROMAGNY|Guillaume ROMAGNY]]) == IRC Clients == . Hundreds of IRC Clients exist. To make your experience a bit easier, we have a small list with a few popular clients. ||''' Client '''||''' Operating System (Platform) '''||''' License '''||''' Interface '''||''' SSL '''||''' Client Certificate '''||''' PKCS#11 '''||''' URL '''|| ||X-Chat|| Linux, BSD, Windows, Mac OS X, others || GPL || Graphical ||Yes || Yes || ?? || http://www.xchat.org || ||Irssi|| Linux, BSD, Windows, Mac OS X, others|| GPL || Text || Yes || Yes || ?? || http://www.irssi.org || ||Colloquy || Mac OS X : Cocoa || BSD || Graphical || Yes || No || ?? || http://www.colloquy.info || ||Chatzilla || Seamonkey || Mozilla || built-in Graphical || Yes || Yes || Yes || http://www.seamonkey-project.org || ||Chatzilla || Firefox || Mozilla || installable Graphical add-on|| Yes || Yes || Yes || http://chatzilla.hacksrus.com || ||KVirc (version 3 & 4) || Kde/Qt || GPL2 (+redistribution allowance) || Graphical|| Yes || Yes || No || http://www.kvirc.net/?id=&lang=en || || Pidgin || Linux, UNIX, Mac OS X, Windows || GPL || Graphical || Yes || Yes || ? || http://www.pidgin.im || . more about [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operating_system| Operating System (Platform)]] '' - source: en.wikipedia'' . more about [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PKCS11| PKCS#11]] '' - source: en.wikipedia'' <
> === X-Chat === . One of the most popular IRC Clients out there. Free Software, developed using GTK, X-Chat is an easy-to-use client for the masses. . On first run, X-Chat brings the Server List window. Configure your nickname, alternate nicknames, username and realname fields to your liking. To add CAcert as a network, click Add, name it CAcert, Edit it, name the server irc.cacert.org/6667 for cleartext connections, or irc.cacert.org/7000 for encrypted connections, and do not forget to hit enter/return so that it saves. If using encrypted connections, mark Use SSL for all servers on this network, and mark Accept Invalid SSL Certificates (or do proper installation of the CAcert Root Certificate, which varies according to your OpenSSL installation), and finally enter #CAcert on Channels to Join. . X-Chat main website [[http://xchat.org]] . X-Chat Quick Start Guide [[http://xchat.org/docs/start/]] <
> === Firefox's Chatzilla === . Has the advantage of running wherever Firefox runs. Instructions: * On [[http://chatzilla.hacksrus.com/|install]], restart of Firefox is required. * To launch IRC, click menus: '''Tools''' ==> '''Chatzilla''' * in the bottom entry box, type: '''/attach ircs://irc.cacert.org:7000/CAcert/''' * (optional) to save the session as startup, click menus: '''IRC''' ==> '''Open This Channel on Startup''' === Pidgin === . Account Configuration * Tab:Simple * Protocol: IRC * User: '''''your registered nickname''''' * Server: irc.cacert.org * Password: '''''your registered password''''' * Save password: (optional) * Local Alias: '''''your registered nickname''''' * Tab:Advanced * Port: 7000 * Coding: UTF-8 * Incoming UTF-8 automatic detection: enabled * Username: '''''your registered nickname''''' * Realname: (optional: givenname, nickname, or other) * Use SSL: on * SASL authentication: off * Enable clear text authentication: off * Pidgin:Tools:Certificates * Add CAcert Root * Add CAcert Class3 subroot * Add your public client cert PEM format == See also == * [[Jabber]] what we do with the other crowd. <
> == Suggested Improvements == '''[[comma/Arsenal/IRC/improvement| Suggested improvements]]''' ---- == Inputs & Thoughts == . YYYYMMDD-[[YourName]] . {{{ Text / Your Statements, thoughts and e-mail snippets, Please }}} ---- . YYYYMMDD-[[YourName]] . {{{ Text / Your Statements, thoughts and e-mail snippets, Please }}} ---- . CategorySoftware . CategorySupport . CategoryCommunication See also [[SystemAdministration/Systems/Irc|Irc system description]].