Back to '''[[Software/Meeting/Overview|Overview]]''' - Next protocol '''[[Software/Meeting/20181123]]''' = Summary of developer meeting at 2018-11-09 = <> == Discussions and Outcomes == === Done Work === * 2018-11-01: git-cacert and githb are on an up-to-date-state * Status of development issues from last meeting: * Change from mysql to mysqli, [[|bug-1442]]: Considered ready to test by GuKK * Replace each() with foreach(), [[|bug-1444]]: Considered ready for testing by Peter * Replace MariaDB || testserver3 is already running a database, and when I connect it it repors as "Server version: 10.1.26-MariaDB-0+deb9u1 Debian 9.1". So I guess this is not a problem. || || Are the git-repositories up to date || jandd and Ted applied the latest tarballs of the system to gi-cacert and github || == Logfile of the meeting == [[]] == Next Meeting == The next meeting was proposed to be held on November 23, 20:00 UTC, on IRC channel #cacert-devel ---- . CategorySoftwareMeeting