. '''To Software''' '''[[Software|Software]]''' - '''To Software-Assessment - ''' '''[[Software/Assessment|Software/Assessment]]''' - '''To Software-Assessment Current Tests - ''' '''[[Software/CurrentTest|Software-Assessment Current Test]]''' ---- = Software Tests Finished = || '''State''' ||<#80ff80>finished || == Testserver Links == || [[Software/CurrentTest|Main Entry Info Page for Software Testers]] || [[Software/CurrentTest]] || || [[http://cacert1.it-sls.de|Testserver Main Entry Page]] || [[http://cacert1.it-sls.de]] || || [[https://ca-mgr1.it-sls.de/login|Testserver Mgmt System Entry Page]] || [[https://ca-mgr1.it-sls.de/login]] || || [[Software/Assessment/TestserverManagementSystem|Testserver Mgmt System Docu]] || [[Software/Assessment/TestserverManagementSystem]] || || [[Software/Assessment/FAQ|Testers and Developers FAQ]] || [[Software/Assessment/FAQ]] || || [[https://bugs.cacert.org|Bugtracker (for reporting]] || [[https://bugs.cacert.org]] || == Testserver 1: http://cacert1.it-sls.de == <
> * (!) - Updated * degree of difficulty: from light {*} to heavy {*} {*} {*} {*} {*} * {b} - ready to deploy * {-} - rejected, on hold <
> ||<5%> 8.1 <> ||<16%> {b} Patch ||<79%> [[https://bugs.cacert.org/view.php?id=1017|Bugs # 1017]] {*} {*} {*} || ||<^> 8.2 || Developer || NEO || ||<^> 8.3 ||<^> Purpose of patch || 0001017: Chrome certificate enrollement || ||<^> 8.4 ||<^> Patch Area || certs signing under Chrome || ||<^> 8.5 ||<^> Patch Testing Requirements || Chrome client certs, server certs || ||<^> 8.6 ||<^> Remarks || test all browsers: Chrome, FF, and others || ||<-3> [3] u60, N34lO, inopiae || <
> ||<5%> 30.1 ||<16%> {b} Patch ||<79%> [[https://bugs.cacert.org/view.php?id=1199|Bugs #1199]] {*} {*} || ||<^> 30.2 || Developer || BenBE || ||<^> 30.3 ||<^> Purpose of patch || gpg.php fix || ||<^> 30.4 ||<^> Patch Area || gpg || ||<^> 30.5 ||<^> Patch Testing Requirements || || ||<^> 30.6 ||<^> Remarks || see also bug Bug:1200 || ||<-3> [2] magu, inopiae || <
> ||<5%> 31.1 ||<16%> {b} Patch ||<79%> [[https://bugs.cacert.org/view.php?id=1200|Bugs #1200]] {*} {*} || ||<^> 31.2 || Developer || BenBE || ||<^> 31.3 ||<^> Purpose of patch || gpg.php fix #2 || ||<^> 31.4 ||<^> Patch Area || gpg || ||<^> 31.5 ||<^> Patch Testing Requirements || || ||<^> 31.6 ||<^> Remarks || see also bug Bug:1199 || ||<-3> [2] magu, inopiae || <
> ||<5%> 32.1 ||<16%> {b} Patch ||<79%> [[https://bugs.cacert.org/view.php?id=1198|Bugs #1198]] {*} || ||<^> 32.2 || Developer || NEO || ||<^> 32.3 ||<^> Purpose of patch || Change membership fee currency from USD to EUR || ||<^> 32.4 ||<^> Patch Area || [[https://cacert1.it-sls.de/index.php?id=21]] || ||<^> 32.5 ||<^> Patch Testing Requirements || || ||<^> 32.6 ||<^> Remarks || || ||<-3> [3] magu, inopiae, aterpotiz || <
> ||<5%> 33.1 ||<16%> {b} Patch ||<79%> [[https://bugs.cacert.org/view.php?id=663|Bugs #663]] {*} {*} || ||<^> 33.2 || Developer || inopiae || ||<^> 33.3 ||<^> Purpose of patch || Add "view personal" information sub menu to the "my details" menu || ||<^> 33.4 ||<^> Patch Area || My Details || ||<^> 33.5 ||<^> Patch Testing Requirements || || ||<^> 33.6 ||<^> Remarks || || ||<-3> [2] NEO, inopiae || <
> ||<5%> 33.1 ||<16%> {b} Patch ||<79%> [[https://bugs.cacert.org/view.php?id=1206|Bugs #1206]] {*} {*} || ||<^> 33.2 || Developer || || ||<^> 33.3 ||<^> Purpose of patch || gpg doesn't work (followup of Bug Bug:1199 and Bug Bug:1200 ) || ||<^> 33.4 ||<^> Patch Area || gpg || ||<^> 33.5 ||<^> Patch Testing Requirements || || ||<^> 33.6 ||<^> Remarks || fix by critical team, 2013-09-02 || ||<-3> [] || <
> == Testserver 2: == * not activated yet == Testteam == * u60 * N34lO * inopiae * magu * aterpotiz * NEO == Previous Tests == <> ---- . CategorySoftwareAssessment