. '''To Software''' '''[[Software|Software]]''' - '''To Software-Assessment - ''' '''[[Software/Assessment|Software/Assessment]]''' - '''To Software-Assessment Current Tests - ''' '''[[Software/CurrentTest|Software-Assessment Current Test]]''' ---- = Software Tests Finished = || '''State''' ||<#80ff80>finished || == Testserver Links == || [[Software/CurrentTest|Main Entry Info Page for Software Testers]] || [[Software/CurrentTest]] || || [[http://cacert1.it-sls.de|Testserver Main Entry Page]] || [[http://cacert1.it-sls.de]] || || [[https://ca-mgr1.it-sls.de/login|Testserver Mgmt System Entry Page]] || [[https://ca-mgr1.it-sls.de/login]] || || [[Software/Assessment/TestserverManagementSystem|Testserver Mgmt System Docu]] || [[Software/Assessment/TestserverManagementSystem]] || || [[Software/Assessment/FAQ|Testers and Developers FAQ]] || [[Software/Assessment/FAQ]] || || [[https://bugs.cacert.org|Bugtracker (for reporting]] || [[https://bugs.cacert.org]] || == Testserver 1: http://cacert1.it-sls.de == <
> * (!) - Updated * degree of difficulty: from light {*} to heavy {*} {*} {*} {*} {*} * {b} - ready to deploy || 0.1 || Patch || (also for reporting) || || 0.2 || Developer || (for contacting) || || 0.3 || Purpose of patch || || || 0.4 || Patch Area || || || 0.5 || Patch Testing Requirements || || <
> || 3.1 || {b} Patch || [[https://bugs.cacert.org/view.php?id=897|Bugs # 897]] {*} || || 3.2 || Developer || UlrichSchroeter || ||<^> 3.3 ||<^> Purpose of patch || 0000897: Prerequisites to do code signing differ in ``About->Point System and CPS<
>(Outsource text pages in webdb to wiki) || ||<^> 3.4 ||<^> Patch Area || Link under: About CAcert.org - Point System,<
> deep link: [[http://cacert1.it-sls.de/index.php?id=19]] || || 3.5 || Patch Testing Requirements || nothing special || || 3.6 || Remarks || check that links points to outsourced wiki pages || <
> || 6.1 || {b} Patch || [[https://bugs.cacert.org/view.php?id=948|Bugs # 948]] (Updated 2011-07-06) {*} || || 6.2 || Developer || UlrichSchroeter || ||<^> 6.3 ||<^> Purpose of patch || 0000948: Email address verification violates SMTP protocol || ||<^> 6.4 ||<^> Patch Area || All functions that triggers email probe, confirmation emails, eg add email, add domain, show your details (some showed your ...) || ||<^> 6.5 ||<^> Patch Testing Requirements || account, logged in || ||<^> 6.6 ||<^> Remarks || Test results can probably not verified, because email is redirected to TMS and header of message is not displayed nor raw smtp log can be displayed<
>testszenario (check emails in TMS):<
>join - check receiving mail<
>assure new account - check rcvd mail: assurer, assuree<
>create client cert - check rcvd mail<
>add domain - check rcvd email || <
> == Testserver 2: == * not activated yet == Test Team == * Uli * NEO * inopiae * moh == Previous Tests == * [[Software/CurrentTest/testfinished20110615|Software tests]] (finished 2011-06-15) * [[Software/CurrentTest/testfinished20110610|Software tests]] (finished 2011-06-10) * [[Software/CurrentTest/testfinished20110316|Software tests]] (finished 2011-03-16) * [[Software/CurrentTest/testfinished20110216|Software tests]] (finished 2011-02-16) * [[Software/CurrentTest/testfinished20101129|Software tests]] (finished 2010-11-29) * [[Software/CurrentTest/testfinished20100927|Software tests]] (finished 2010-09-27) * [[Software/CurrentTest/testfinished20100914|Testserver-Mgmt-System tests]] (finished 2010-09-14) ---- . CategorySoftwareAssessment