. '''To Software''' '''[[Software|Software]]''' - '''To Software-Assessment - ''' '''[[Software/Assessment|Software/Assessment]]''' - '''To Software-Assessment Current Tests - ''' '''[[Software/CurrentTest|Software-Assessment Current Test]]''' ---- = Software Tests Finished = || '''State''' ||<#80ff80>finished || == Testserver Links == || [[Software/CurrentTest|Main Entry Info Page for Software Testers]] || [[Software/CurrentTest]] || || [[http://cacert1.it-sls.de|Testserver Main Entry Page]] || [[http://cacert1.it-sls.de]] || || [[https://ca-mgr1.it-sls.de/login|Testserver Mgmt System Entry Page]] || [[https://ca-mgr1.it-sls.de/login]] || || [[Software/Assessment/TestserverManagementSystem|Testserver Mgmt System Docu]] || [[Software/Assessment/TestserverManagementSystem]] || || [[Software/Assessment/FAQ|Testers and Developers FAQ]] || [[Software/Assessment/FAQ]] || || [[https://bugs.cacert.org|Bugtracker (for reporting]] || [[https://bugs.cacert.org]] || == Testserver 1: http://cacert1.it-sls.de == || Webdb Patch Revision (git hash tag) || (2010-11-29) || || Testserver Mgmt System Revision (git hash tag) || (2010-11-29) || <
> * {*} - Updated || 0.1 || Patch || (also for reporting) || || 0.2 || Developer || (for contacting) || || 0.3 || Purpose of patch || || || 0.4 || Patch Area || || || 0.5 || Patch Testing Requirements || || <
> || 1.1 || Patch || [[https://bugs.cacert.org/view.php?id=835|Bugs # 835]] (also [[https://bugs.cacert.org/view.php?id=841|# 841]]) || || 1.2 || Developer || [[AndreasBäß|Andreas]] || || 1.3 || Purpose of patch || 0000835: Assurer challenge and ssl certificats not working || || 1.4 || Patch Area || My Details - Client/Server Certificate, Assurer Challenge || || 1.5 || Patch Testing Requirements || has account on cacert1.it-sls.de || || 1.6 || Remarks ||<#ff8080> All functions creating certs or using certs currently doesn't work until a test signer is installed onto the testserver. This behavior is as expected. || <
> || 3.1 || Patch || [[https://bugs.cacert.org/view.php?id=900#c1855|Bugs # 900]] {*} || || 3.2 || Maintener || MichaelTänzer || || 3.3 || Purpose of patch || 0000900: CAcert Site translation ("Russian Translation garbled" Workaround) || || 3.4 || Patch Area || (Logged Out) Translations, (Logged in) My Details - Default Language (switch language) || || 3.5 || Patch Testing Requirements || none specific, have an account || ||<^> 3.6 ||<^> Remarks || This doesn't only affect the Russian but all locales that use non ISO-8859-1 charsets, that means: Chinese, Polish, Hungarian, Japanese, Russian, Lithuanian<
> a) Does the fix work for you?<
>Please test with as many browsers as you have on your system and probably disable auto-detection of the character set (in Firefox: View->Character Encoding->Auto-Detect->(Off))<
> b) Does it break anything that was working before?<
>Especially submitting text values like the Assurance location, names and so on. Also try to add some special characters and foreign letters in there (especially from the language you're testing, you don't need to be able to understand what you put in there just copy and paste from somewhere else and check whether it comes out the same way it goes in). Also try whether you can submit data in one language and retrieve it with another one. || '''Bug 900 needs more work no more testing needed''' <
> == Testserver 2: == * not activated yet == Test Team == * Uli * Michael * Marcus * Wytze == Previous Tests == * [[Software/CurrentTest/testfinished20101129|Testserver-Mgmt-System tests]] (finished 2010-11-29) * [[Software/CurrentTest/testfinished20100927|Testserver-Mgmt-System tests]] (finished 2010-09-27) * [[Software/CurrentTest/testfinished20100914|Testserver-Mgmt-System tests]] (finished 2010-09-14) ---- . CategorySoftwareAssessment