. '''To Software''' '''[[Software|Software]]''' - '''To Software-Assessment - ''' '''[[Software/Assessment|Software/Assessment]]''' - '''To Current Test - ''' '''[[Software/CurrentTest|Software/CurrentTest]]''' ---- = Software Current Tests - Bug 964 (Black Jack) = [[https://bugs.cacert.org/view.php?id=964| Bug 964]] == Background Informations, Instructions, Testmatrix == == Testserver Links == || [[Software/CurrentTest|Main Entry Info Page for Software Testers]] || [[Software/CurrentTest]] || || [[http://cacert1.it-sls.de|Testserver Main Entry Page]] || [[http://cacert1.it-sls.de]] || || [[https://ca-mgr1.it-sls.de/login|Testserver Mgmt System Entry Page]] || [[https://ca-mgr1.it-sls.de/login]] || || [[Software/Assessment/TestserverManagementSystem|Testserver Mgmt System Docu]] || [[Software/Assessment/TestserverManagementSystem]] || || [[Software/Assessment/FAQ|Testers and Developers FAQ]] || [[Software/Assessment/FAQ]] || || [[https://bugs.cacert.org|Bugtracker (for reporting]] || [[https://bugs.cacert.org]] || == Testserver 1: http://cacert1.it-sls.de == == Instructions and Sample Test Matrix for Software Testers == === Introduction === The problem with the current system is, that Microsoft changed the way how the enrolment process for certificates work with the Internet Explorer. The patch has now been placed on the test server and needs testing. === Preliminaries === === Definitions === || https://cacert1.it-sls.de || is CACERT1 || || https://ca-mgr1.it-sls.de/login || is MGMT-SYSTEM || === Instructions to add users === {{{ Admin User 1. connect to CACERT1 (see above definitions ;-) ...) - Join create your Admin user fill in a Name, Secret questions and answers, email address, passwords and so on and finishing the join process. 2. connect to MGMT-SYSTEM login with your email address you've defined in your admin user account, enter the defined password The system will log you in. Go to MAIL open the received email use the link in the confirmation email. 3. Confirm the link on CACERT1 switch to MGMT-SYSTEM 4. (0-100 points, Assurance points) Go to Manage Account (Top menu) On left side the sidebar menu opens Select "Automated Assurance" Enter "100" points and press "Assure me" 5. (100-150 points, Experience points) Select "Administrative Increase" enter "50" Number of Points Split into 2 Point Fragments -> selected Press "Give Me Points" 6. (For Admin-user only) (150 to 200 points, increase) Select "Administrative Increase" enter "50" Number of Points de-select "Split into 2-Point Fragments" Select "Assign Points even if the Limit of 150 is reached" Press "Give me Points" 7. (For Admin-user, and defered for later application onto regular users) Select "Assurer Challenge" Leave Default setting Press "Challenge Me" 8. (For Admin-user only) Select "Set Flags" select: Support Engineer (-> Admin) Code-Signing (optional) Organisation Admin (optional) TTP-Admin Board Member Location Admin (optional) Unselected !!! Lock Account Block Assurer Press "Save Flags" 9. Logout (top right menu) 10. Switch to CACERT1 re-login check your flags and points settings Walk through steps 1 - 10 for Admin user Continue with steps 1 - 3, 9 - 10 for all other users Step 4 is needed, to issue regular assurance pts onto the account. }}} === Test Matrix for Testers === What is to test? Create an account and start issuing certificates on a Windows OS and different Internet Explorer and Chrome versions. With the Internet Explorer you will have three choices for the security settings: High, Medium and Custom. Especially the CUSTOM part needs testing. When you use the RSA algorithm the key strength needs to be 1024. If you use a lower one you should get a warning after you try to create a certificate. For other algorithms there is no limitation. Record your findings under [[https://bugs.cacert.org/view.php?id=964| Bug 964]] as a note on the bug tracker site. === Additional Tests === * Add Org-Admin to a user account, test Org certificates * Are the Server certs working as before (create a server cert in parallel to your client cert tests) * If you'll receive an error number, place the error message to the report including your test scenario (crypto provider used, key strenght/key length used) '''''Happy testing''''' ---- . CategorySoftwareAssessment