. '''To Software''' '''[[Software|Software]]''' - '''To Software-Assessment - ''' '''[[Software/Assessment|Software/Assessment]]''' - '''To Current Test - ''' '''[[Software/CurrentTest|Software/CurrentTest]]''' ---- = Software Current Tests - Bug 1054 Testmatrix = [[https://bugs.cacert.org/view.php?id=1054| Bug #1054]] == Background Informations, Instructions, Testmatrix == == Testserver Links == || [[Software/CurrentTest|Main Entry Info Page for Software Testers]] || [[Software/CurrentTest]] || || [[http://cacert1.it-sls.de|Testserver Main Entry Page]] || [[http://cacert1.it-sls.de]] || || [[https://ca-mgr1.it-sls.de/login|Testserver Mgmt System Entry Page]] || [[https://ca-mgr1.it-sls.de/login]] || || [[Software/Assessment/TestserverManagementSystem|Testserver Mgmt System Docu]] || [[Software/Assessment/TestserverManagementSystem]] || || [[Software/Assessment/FAQ|Testers and Developers FAQ]] || [[Software/Assessment/FAQ]] || || [[https://bugs.cacert.org|Bugtracker (for reporting]] || [[https://bugs.cacert.org]] || == Instructions and Sample Test Matrix for Software Testers == === Introduction === The Thawte Points removal patch part II has some changes in central code base, that needs testing of all related functions and routines. === Test Matrix for Testers === || {r} no tests passed, not tested || {0} one test passed, tested by one || {+} two tests passed, tested by 2 || potential test scenarios affected by source code changes: || 1054.1 ||<-2> '''pages/wot/15.php''' || || 1054.1.1 || {0} || my details - my points - new calculation (several assuree/assurer status levels) || || 1054.2 ||<-2> '''pages/wot/6.php''' || || 1054.2.1 || {0} || assure someone, methods F2F and TTP || || 1054.3 ||<-2> '''includes/general.php''' || || 1054.3.1 || {0} || www.cacert.org and secure.cacert.org switch || || 1054.3.2 || {0} || language detection || || 1054.3.3 || {0} || switch "locked accounts" || || 1054.3.4 || {0} || loadem section account.php?x index.php?y || || 1054.3.5 || {0} || secure pwd validation (points regarding strong passwords)<
> check on name parts, email address, dictionary || || 1054.3.6 || {0} {3} || cert subjectAltname routine, Common Name check on CSR's<
> subjAltnames check, OU check on Org certs<
>see also [[https://bugs.cacert.org/view.php?id=440|bug #440]]<
>for testing follow test scenario under [[https://bugs.cacert.org/view.php?id=440#c2833|report 440#c2833]] (I), [[https://bugs.cacert.org/view.php?id=440#c2839|report 440#c2839]] (II), [[https://bugs.cacert.org/view.php?id=440#c2844|report 440#c2844]], [[https://bugs.cacert.org/view.php?id=440#c2849|report 440#c2849]], [[https://bugs.cacert.org/view.php?id=440#c2854|report 440#c2854]] and [[https://bugs.cacert.org/view.php?id=440#c2859|report 440#c2859]] and extend tests with multiple email addr (III) and multiple servernames (IV) in certs (SANs), test renewal: client certs (V), server certs (VI) || || 1054.3.7 || {0} || maxpoints routine, returns points you can issue || || 1054.3.8 || {0} {1} || check on points + assurer challenge levels<
> and age of assurer (eg lt 18?) || || 1054.3.9 || {0} || ping tests adding to pinglog table || || 1054.3.10 || {0} || get-assurer-status<
> checks: cats test passed {0} , maxpoints {0} , assurer-blocked {o} (2 minor issues) || || 1054.3.11 || {0} || no-assurer text switch || || 1054.3.12 || {0} || is_assurer() using get-assurer-status || || 1054.3.13 || {0} || generate-cert-path: client certs, server certs, org client certs, org server certs switch || || 1054.4 ||<-2> '''includes/notary.inc.php''' || || 1054.4.1 || {0} || get_number_of_assurances() table Assurer Ranking assurances given count || || 1054.4.2 || {0} || get_number_of_assurees() table Assurer Ranking assurances received count || || 1054.4.3 || {0} || get_top_assurer_position() || || 1054.4.4 || {0} || get_top_assuree_position() || || 1054.4.5 || {0} || get_given_assurances() (result set) || || 1054.4.6 || {0} || get_received_assurances() (result set) || || 1054.4.7 || {0} || get_given_assurances_summary() || || 1054.4.8 || {0} || get_received_assurances_summary() || || 1054.4.9 || {0} || get_cats_state() || || 1054.4.10 || {0} || calc_experience() calculate EP points summarize || || 1054.4.11 || {0} || calc_assurances() calculate AP points summarize || || 1054.4.12 || {0} || show_user_link() name="" -> "System" or "Deleted account" || || 1054.4.13 || {0} || get_assurer_ranking() stats for 15.php || || 1054.4.14 || {0} || get_assuree_ranking() stats for 15.php || || 1054.4.15 || {0} || output_ranking() 1054.4.13 + 1054.4.14 || || 1054.4.16 || {0} || general: output member mypoints (new calculation) and admin console new calculation || || 1054.4.17 || {0} || check_date_limit(age) eg. PoJAM case calculation (see also 1054.3.8) || || 1054.4.18 || {0} || calc_points() display awarded column and check value against method (eg awarded = 0, use pts, if lt 0 pts, set 0 and so on) correction routine to check new points calculation (probably you can use output tables from 1054.4.16) || || 1054.4.19 || {0} || max_points() how many points an assurer can award at max || || 1054.4.20 || {0} || output_summary_content() tested age limits 18, 14 (see also 1054.3.8) || || 1054.4.21 || {0} || !AssureMethodLine() eg assure someone with addtl. flags eg TTP, and potential others (using tests under 1054.4.18) || === New test scenarios as of 2012-09-18 === || 1054.5.1 || {0} || tverify removed, test if tverify is usable, try to use tverify routines || || 1054.5.2 || {r} || merge conflict with account id 60 (eg email removal), see [[https://bugs.cacert.org/view.php?id=823|bug #823]], requires retesting of routines eg email removal || || 1054.5.3 || {r} || max_points() routine replaced by new max_points() routine, see 1054.4.19 || || 1054.5.4 || {r} || get_assurer_status(), output_summary_content() with parameter 0 replaced by max_points(), see 1054.4.19 (???) || || 1054.5.5 || {r} || received_points(), relates this to calc_assurances() -> 1054.4.11 ??? || {{{ 1. generate cap.pdf to fill lower part, maxpoints was wrongly set 2. max_points() - maximum points an assurer can issue used in generate pdf (cap.php) used in assure someone 3. /pages/wot/1 (contact info?!?) hidden stats 4. /pages/wot/12 find an assurer location -> 0 -> "Unable to find suitable location" minor listed under wot-1 (Beuel) and wot-12 (Bonn) }}} === Addtl. Note === * why is philipp@c.o as rcpt added in line 642 ?!? * -> use function-alias eg support or sysadmin * {1} with one exception under 14 is not allowed to do assurances, see [[https://bugs.cacert.org/view.php?id=872|bug #872]] * {3} ok, except one minor problem based on https://bugs.cacert.org/view.php?id=1017 routine fix === Additional Tests === '''''Happy testing''''' ---- . CategorySoftwareAssessment