. ''' To [[OrganisationAssurance|Organisation Assurance Program]]''' - ''' To [[OrganisationAssurance/AssurersList|Organisation Assurers List]]''' . ''' To ''' '''[[comma#comma_Arsenal| comma Arsenal]]''' - ''' To comma ''' '''[[comma/Arsenal| Arsenal - Overview]]''' - '''To CAcert.org''' '''[[comma/Arsenal/CAcertAssurer| Assurer - Overview]]''' - '''To CAcert.org''' '''[[comma/Arsenal/CAcertAssurer/Organizations| Organisation Assurer]]''' ---- == List for Prospective CAcert.org Organisation Assurers == . We are looking for Assurer members to join the Organisation Assurance Team. Interested persons will learn about identity background checking and corporate review. <
> == Requirements == * 100 Assurance Points and 50 Experience Points * This exception can be made: <
>If the prospective Organisation Assurer has less than 50 Experience Points he can start working as prospective Organisation Assurer but has to do all Organisation Assurances under supervision until he reaches the 50 Experience Points by individual assurances. There will be no TOPUP program for Experience Points * CAcert e-mail address - yourname@cacert.org * Agrees on '''[[#Procedure|procedure]]''' to become a '''CAcert [[comma/Arsenal/CAcertAssurer/Organizations|Organisation Assurer]]''' by following it step-by-step. <
> == Procedure == 1. Request by filling completely '''[[#Subscription_List|subscription list]]''' with all details and your motivation by candidate CAcert Organisation Assurer (OA) 1. Candidate to find 2 organisations who would like to become CAcert assured organisations. Organisation Assurance Officer (OAO) assists in finding organisations. 1. Candidate to find at least one CAcert OA as Mentor / Supervisor. OAO assists in finding a Supervisor. 1. prospective OA gets added to the OA team, the ticketing system and the mailing list (this probably happens when the first Organisation Assurances is started/running). 1. Training by Mentor / Supervisor - face-to-face or on-line - on organisation assurance related matters, as: * '''CAcert [[http://www.cacert.org/policy/OrganisationAssurancePolicy.php|Organisation Assurance Policy]]''' and Sub-Policies as '''CAcert Assurance Organisation Policy - [[https://svn.cacert.org/CAcert/Policies/OrganisationAssurancePolicy/OrganisationAssuranceSubPolicyEurope.html|Sub-Policy Europe]]''' * '''[[Brain/EducationTraining/OrganisationAssurance/Manual|Organisation Assurance Manual]]''', Organisation Assurance procedure, organisational identity verification practice, * relevant country law framework 1. 2 Organisation Assurances supervised by Mentor / Supervisor 1. Mentor/Supervisor reports the Organisation Assurances to the OAO. 1. OAO proposes the Candidate to Board of CAcert Inc. for approval as CAcert Organisation Assurer. 1. On approval, new Assurer is added to '''CAcert [[OrganisationAssurance/AssurersList|Organisation Assurer List]]'''. '''''NB''''' [[http://www.cacert.org/policy/OrganisationAssurancePolicy.php#s2.2|OAP 2.2 a.ii]] says "Be fully trained and tested on all general Assurance processes." This aim should be achieved by the 25 assurances and the supervision of the organisation assurances. == Subscription List == ||<#ffff80> '''Country''' || '''Region''' ||'''Name''' ||'''Supervisor 1''' ||<|2> '''Supervised OA DONE''' || ||<-2> '''AP/EP''' ||'''Email''' || '''Supervisor 2''' || ||<-5> '''Motivation''' || ||<#ffff80> CR || San José || Sebastian Klus || || || ||<-2> 135/50 || || || || ||<-5> I am just very interested in the topic and would like to move forward the initiative of CAcert here in Costa Rica. Unfortunately there are neither many assurers nor many people here that use certificates. But considering that it becomes more and more popular e.g. on mail configuration and organisations are typically using a lot of mail, it seems to me a great opportunity to promote CAcert here in Costa Rica and in general. || ||<-5> || ||<#ffff80> DE || Dresden ||'''Andre Klärner''' || INOPIAE || 1 WIP || ||<-2> 150 ||<> || Andreas B. || 1 WIP || ||<#ffff80> DE || North East ||'''Thomas Mundt''' || INOPIAE || 1 done || ||<-2> 150 ||<> || Andreas B. || 1 WIP || ||<-5> || ||<#ffff80> ES || Madrid ||'''Juan José Amor''' || || || ||<-2> 150 || <> || || || ||<-5> || ||<#ffff80> ES || Madrid ||'''Jonás Andradas''' || || || ||<-2> 150 || <> || || || ||<-5> There are currently no Organization Assurers in Spain, and I think it is an important step to promote the usage of CAcert || ||<#ffff80> ES || Madrid ||'''Antonio Peña''' || || || ||<-2> 150 || <> || || || ||<-5> || ||<#ffff80> FR ||Paris-Ile-de-France || || || || ||<-2> ?? || || || || ||<-5> || ||<#ffff80> IT || Como ||'''Emanuele Vedova''' || INOPIAE || 1 WIP || ||<-2> 104 ||<>|| || || ||<-5> || ||<#ffff80> NL || Venlo ||'''Joost Steijlen''' || Maurice || 1 finished || ||<-2> 150 ||<>|| || || ||<-5> || ||<#ffff80> NZ || Kawakawa ||'''Danny Adair''' || INOPIAE || || ||<-2> 100 ||<>|| [[Community/HomePagesMembers/MarcOliverHofmann|MOH]] || || ||<-5> || ||<#ffff80> NZ || Wellington ||'''Andrew Ruthven'' || || || ||<-2> 150 ||<>|| || ||<-5> I believe that Organisation Assurers will make CAcert much more relevant to organisations. We've already had one person who held most of our certs leave which was painful... || ||<#ffff80> PL ||Zachodniopomorskie ||'''[[MarekMazur|Marek Michał Mazur]]''' || || || ||<-2> 150 || <> || || || ||<-5> Student of Computer Science. CAcert should be avaliable everywhere. || ||<#ffff80> SE || ||'''[[http://www.schlyter.se/jakob/|Jakob Schlyter]]''' || || || ||<-2> 150 || <> || || || ||<-5> || ||<#ffff80> US ||Wash, DC ||'''[[Community/HomePagesMembers/JefferyFrederick|Jeffery Frederick]]''' || Greg || 1 WIP || ||<-2> 150 || <> ||Marcus M. ||1 done || ||<-5> Professional IT Security Specialist. Everyone should have access to PKI security || ||<#ffff80> UK || Crewe ||'''[[Community/HomePagesMembers/AlexRobertson|Alex Robertson]]''' || || || ||<-2> 150 || <> || || || ||<-5> Senior IT Professional with over 30 years experience. || ||<#ffff80> UK || Crewe ||'''[[Community/HomePagesMembers/MeganRobertson|Megan Robertson]]''' || || || ||<-2> 150 || <> || || || ||<-5> IT Education Specialist || == Relevant CAcert Policies & Manual == . Status of documents as is. * CAcert '''[[http://www.cacert.org/policy/OrganisationAssurancePolicy.php|Organisation Assurance Policy]]''' * '''[[https://svn.cacert.org/CAcert/Policies/OrganisationAssurancePolicy/OrganisationAssuranceSubPolicyEurope.html|Sub-Policy Europe]]''' * '''CAcert [[Brain/EducationTraining/OrganisationAssurance/Manual|Organisation Assurance Manual]]''' <
> . '''''Note: To be reviewed and approved - hugi''''' <
> ---- == Inputs & Thoughts == . 20100128-[[MarioLipinski|Mario Lipinski]] . {{{ Dear Board, as the OA-Officer position actually is not filled this request goes to you. I would like to start the process of adding new Organisation Assurers especially for the German and EU region for Andreas Albrecht, Christopher Hoth and Andreas Bäß now. Their applications are attached. The procedures require the following: 1. Request to OrgaAssurance Officer 2. Approval Board & OrgaAssurance Officer 3. 2 Supervised Org Assurances 4. Report to Board & OrgaAssurance Officer 5. Acceptance and adding as OrgAssurer For now I would like to have your acknowledgement for point 1 and 2. I offer to take care of point 3 and 4 then - but any other OA could step in as well. I was also wondering what the status of Jonas Stein is. Is he finally an organisation assurer and granted the necessary privileges in the web application? If not, what is missing? Mario }}} ---- . 20100115-[[hugi]] . {{{ Text for Web interface: Supervised Organisation Assurance #1, Mathieu Simon (sim): * All paperwork, research and meetings done or lead by sim * Added by hugi (abuerki (at) anidor_dot_com) on behalf of sim (mathieu_dot_simon (at) simweb_dot_ch) as part of his Organisation Assurer education. 2010-01-15 }}} ---- . YYYYMMDD-YourName . {{{ Text / Your Statements, thoughts and e-mail snippets, Please }}} ---- ---- == History == === Old Procedure === . 1. Request by filling completely '''[[#Subscription_List|subscription list]]''' with all details and your motivation by candidate CAcert Organisation Assurer (OA) . 2. Candidate to find 2 organisations who would like to become CAcert assured organisations. . 3. Candidate to find at least one CAcert Organisation Assurer as Mentor / Supervisor . 4. Training by Mentor / Supervisor - face-to-face or on-line - on organisation assurance related matters, as: * '''CAcert [[http://www.cacert.org/policy/OrganisationAssurancePolicy.php|Organisation Assurance Policy]]''' and Sub-Policies as '''CAcert Assurance Organisation Policy - [[https://svn.cacert.org/CAcert/Policies/OrganisationAssurancePolicy/OrganisationAssuranceSubPolicyEurope.html|Sub-Policy Europe]]''' * '''[[Brain/EducationTraining/OrganisationAssurance/Manual|Organisation Assurance Manual]]''', Organisation Assurance procedure, organisational identity verification practice, * relevant country law framework . 5. 2 Organisation Assurances supervised by Mentor / Supervisor . 6. Report / Request for Approval to CAcert Inc. Committee/Board (& ORGA Assurance Officer, if there is one) by Mentor / Supervisor . 7. Approval as CAcert Organisation Assurer by CAcert Inc. Committee/Board (& ORGA Assurance Officer, if there is one) . 8. Listing in '''CAcert [[OrganisationAssurance/AssurersList|Organisation Assurer List]]''' . ''Idea by Seba: For Germany, what to do?: 2 organisations (all documents ready) as test cases to become Organisation Assurer? Half or one day meeting as group with Assurance Officer?'' <
> . '''''Note: Procedures to be reviewed and approved - hugi''''' effective until 2011-07-01 . CategoryOrganisationAssurance