= Organisation Assurance Manual WebDB = . '''To [[OrganisationAssurance/Handbook|Organisation Assurance Handbook]]''' == How to enter an Organisation Assurance into the CAcert Online system == Log into your CAcert account Go to the Org Assurer section {{attachment:oa.png}} To see a list of all organisations that are assured by CAcert go to View Organisations. {{attachment:oa-view-organisation.png}} To see details of an organisation you can use the following links from the table: 1. Domains - list of all entered domains for that organisation 1. Admins - list of all entered Organisation Administrator for that organisation 1. Edit - contact and other information for that organisation === Organisation details === To add a new organisation use New Organsiation or goto View Organisation and use Domains {{attachment:oa-new-organisation.png}} 1. Organisation Name - The name of the organisation that was confirmed with the COAP form. 1. Contact Email - Email address of the person that is confirmed as contact on the COAP form. 1. Town/Suburb - Place where the organisation is located 1. State/Province - not mandatory 1. Country - Enter the country where the organisation is located with the iso 2 letter code 1. Comments - As there is no other field available to file the information who did the Organisation Assurance and when it was entered it is mandatory to fill in at least these informations: {{{ 1. Date when the Organisation was entered 1. Who was the OA or pOA and supervising OA 1. Document any change done after the original entry }}} === Organisation Adminstrator === To enter or to change data of an Organisation Admistrator go to to the list of Admins for an organisation. Use the link add or edit from the list. {{attachment:oa-admin.png}} 1. Email - Enter the primary email address of the Organisation Administrator as this is used to link the !OrgAdmin to the organisation and enables the !OrgAdmin to have access to the orgnaistion section. see [[OrganisationAssurance/OA/OrgAdmin/Handbook/EN| Organisation Addministrator Handbook]]<
> If an invalid primary email address is enter the system will not accept this one and informs you. 1. Department - not mandatory 1. Master account - not mandatory 1. Comments - This field is prefilled with the comment field from the organisation === Domain === To enter or to change data a domain go to to the list of Domains for an organisation. Use the link add or edit from the list. {{attachment:oa-domain.png}} If an existing domain is changed all certificates of this domain will be revoked. === Hints / Ideas === There are some bugs open to change some of the pages [[http://bugs.cacert.org/view.php?id=956|#956]] and [[http://bugs.cacert.org/view.php?id=967|#967]]. ---- .CategoryOrganisationAssurance .CategoryOrganisationAssuranceTraining