= Decisions made by ManagementSubCommittee = Decisions made by ManagementSubCommittee. Document according to convention listed at DecisionNumbers. <> == msc20080117.1 == [[Advisory/AMinutes20080105|msc20080117.1]] MoU on [[http://svn.cacert.org/CAcert/Funding/|Funding]] for audit (signed final document) now on svn, remove the older HTML discussion document because it is completely replaced by the PDF. <> == msc20080106.1 == [[Advisory/AMinutes20080105|msc20080106.1]] User name, email & address data is not to be stored in the CATS database. This may mean for example that the information is gathered after the test, and mailed out to Poster + Assurer. <> == msc20080106.2 == [[Advisory/AMinutes20080105|msc20080106.2]] m-sc to manage the policy maillist directly, ask for password. <> == msc20080106.3 == [[Advisory/AMinutes20080105|msc20080106.3]] provide Auditor with an SSL webserver system under CAcert domain. * set up a shell account on existing webserver alongside CATS. * can get SSH to upload the data. * once set up, ask Philipp to allocate domain * Evaldo to create the cert. <> == msc20071208.1 == (Funding by NLnet allocates 3000 euros for each phase (of 4) for documentation and other CAcert projects.) To allocate a documentation budget of 3000 euros to SM (security manual) project. <> == msc20071208.2 == To set the target for Systems Administration: one person per defined service, and one backup-sysadm for each. <> == msc20071208.3 == wiki: * make an "equate" between "board" and "committee" on the wiki * Teus and other new board members to be added to wiki BOARD page access ("trusted group") ?? * secretary (Evaldo) to get admin rights on wiki * appoint more/new wiki administrator(s) to take over wiki <> == msc20071129.1 == To bring Oophaga in as systems administrators for team for supporting NL <> == msc20071025.1 == * CATS is to be run outside core system: * on a remote system outside the systems administration team but within CAcert jurisdiction. * ''Michelle'' to turn off private API usage for now within CATS and rely on single certificate. * ''Michelle'' to prepare/code appropriate format for successful tests to pass to philipp/core system. May also suggest code to incorporate log into the core system. * ''Evaldo'' to prepare test system * Evaldo is sole sysadm for the machine. * DNS: ''Philipp'' cats.cacert.org to be delegated to that machine . * M-SC prepare a plan and timeline ''Evaldo'' * EO reminds testing questions overview is needed * cc decision and plan to board. This decision was originally recorded erroneously as s20071025.1. ---- . CategoryDecisions . [[CategoryM-SC]]