== Basic Stats == * Time: 17:00 - 19:00, 2 hour time slot, then maybe off to a restaurant. * Date: Monday 20th April. * Numbers: 10 - 30 * Location: [[http://www.twi.at/standort.html|TWI]] "red building" S2 {{http://www.twi.at/fileadmin/templates/images/logo.jpg}} * [[http://blog.cacert.org/2009/04/374.html|the Blog]] == Agenda == This is an idea of the agenda, not a promise! ||17:00 || Welcome || PD || "hi!" || ||17:01 || CAcert and the Audit || Iang || Auditor || ||17:05 || The CAcert Community Agreement || Iang || why it is "different", how it effects you || ||17:10 || Introduction to Assurance Policy || Iang || The purpose, other important changes || ||17:15 || CAP form || Iang || new details || ||17:20 || Identity Documents || Mario || an update || ||17:25 || Names || Mario || an update || ||17:30 || OA || PD || quick description || ||17:35 || Arbitration || PD || || ||17:40 || Discussion || all || open || ||18:00 || Assurances || all || || ||18:55 || Close || iang || Quick summary of audit progress. Clean up the room || ||19:01 || Debriefing || all invited || restaurant or bar or cafe || An alternate view of the Agenda is located at [[Events/AssurerTrainingEvents|Assurer Training Events]]. The main purposes of this event are twofold: 1. to introduce old and new Assurers to the changes over the last year 1. to review the Assurances for audit purposes. Note that the purpose is not to assure new Members, although they are welcome to attend and we need our new Members as "guinea pigs". The talks are oriented to the Assurers, and not to new Members. The Assurers can fill in the gap, see 1,2 above :) == Attending == * Philipp Dunkel , Iang , Mario, Alejandro (to be confirmed) * contact the above at c.o for any event questions, also at c.o. * Martin Hotze (managing the room only) * not sure yet: Frank I, Christian P * Florian L (may be 2) = Logistics = Still to sort out: * '''Beamer''' - PD will bring Beamer * Printer and CAP forms. * CCA, AP, AH. == location == Location is [[http://www.twi.at/standort.html|TWI]] "red building" room S2 Notes: * see : http://www.twi.at/fileadmin/userdaten/dokumente/Vermietung_Seminarr_ume_TWI.pdf don't give anything on what is written there, this document is more than 5 years old. * the room has about 80m2, rated for 50 people. * and internet; I'll check on whether an accesspoint/router is needed or not. * '''there is NO beamer!''' you have to bring your own! == transport == * parking: '''[[http://www.twi.at/parken.html?|park in the paid parking house]]''', all other parking spaces are rented out and ''they probably will sue you'' when using their private places. * Bus must be "Linie C", check www.ivb.at for public transport. You must go to "Innsbruck, Technologiezentrum" == On ground management == * [[http://impressum.hotze.com/|Martin Hotze]] is doing the on-ground arrangements {{http://www.hotze.com/tl_files/bilder/hotze-banner-120x40.gif}} * Catering: light refreshments only -- responsibility of Philipp. * Event Coordination is Philipp Dunkel unless we can find a local volunteer (as he will be busy on other stuff!) * 15th April: send estimate of how many coming and what plan for tables & seating (cinema-type, with tables, U-shape, ...). '''Done.''' * 19th April: reminder sent. == Food == For afterwards or before: * there is a Burger King in the next building, * one restaurant with vegetarian food www.upana.at and * right beneath the room is a café with snacks, but they might also arrange something if they have been warned. :-) = Report = {{{ -------- Original Message -------- Subject: Report on 20090420Innsbruck ATE Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2009 02:13:11 +0200 From: Alejandro Mery Pellegrini Organization: CAcert.org To: events@cacert.org CC: Ian G , Philipp Dunkel , Mario Lipinski Dear Ulrich, Today, Monday 20 of April of 2009 we went to the Technologiezentrum of Innsbruck (Austria) to an event organized by Philipp Dunkel in a location kindly prepared by Martin Hotze. This event was planned at http://wiki.cacert.org/wiki/Events/20090420Innsbruck. Philipp Dunkel, Mario Lipinski, Ian Grigg and I arrived at the Technologiezentrum short after 16:00 were we found some indications about CAcert on the door. Martin Hotze received us and lead us to a nicely prepared room. At 17:15 the event began, with 5 attendees, with a presentation in German done by Philipp. After confirming everyone was fine with spoken English at 17:18 Ian began his English talk on the Changes the CAcert.org community has made in the last years, about the AP, the CCA and the changes to the CAP form. There were no questions and everyone seemed satisfied. At 17:25 Mario began his talk, in German, about how to verify foreign passports. No questions were made in this case either. Between 17:32 and 17:47 Philipp talked about Organisation Assurance during the while another attendee arrived. First PD talk about what is the OA and the role of the Organisation Administrator and after a 4 minutes presentation a very active session of questions and answers happened mostly related to the organisation assurer role and his experience on the job. At 17:47 Philipp started his next talk, this time about Arbitration talking about the goals and legal basis and providing some examples. Initially they were suspicious but after explaining the spirit and giving some real examples they seemed comfortable with Arbitration. This talk ended at 18:06 after which Ian thanked Martin and the participants, and invited the 6 attendees to assure him under the context of the Audit. At the same time we assured 3 not-yet-assurer members and all the attendees assured us. To the best of my knowledge all these assurances happened under the terms of the Assurance Policy. The event got closed at 19:17 and we and 3 of the attendees moves to discuss CAcert related things more informally outside. Best regards, Alejandro Mery }}}