English == CA/B Forum == '''The Certification Authority Browser Forum''', also known as '''CA/Browser Forum''', is a voluntary consortium of certification authorities, vendors of Internet browser software, operating systems, and other PKI-enabled applications that promulgates industry guidelines governing the issuance and management of X.509 v.3 digital certificates that chain to a trust anchor embedded in such applications. Its guidelines cover certificates used for the SSL/TLS protocol and code signing, as well as system and network security of certificate authorities. === CAcert and CA/B Forum === * 2014-06-01 [[https://wiki.cacert.org/Community/HomePagesMembers/BenediktHeintel|Benedikt]] proposed: [[https://wiki.cacert.org/Brain/CAcertInc/Committee/MeetingAgendasAndMinutes/20140601?highlight=%28forum%29|Join CA/B Forum as interested Party]] * IRP needs to be signed [[https://cabforum.org/wp-content/uploads/CA-Browser-Forum-Bylaws-v.-1.1.pdf|CA/B forum By Laws]] Exhibit A, p. 10 * [[https://wiki.cacert.org/Brain/CAcertInc/Committee/MeetingAgendasAndMinutes/20140622?highlight=%28forum%29|Board agreed]] to give Benedikt the power to sign the contract in behalf of CAcert. * Audit * The audit programme is created to prove CAcert's maturity (...) to fulfil the need for [[https://wiki.cacert.org/Audit?highlight=%28CA%2FB%29|compliance with CA/Browser Forum]]'s baseline requirements. * see also [[https://wiki.cacert.org/Audit/Results/session2015.3?highlight=%28CA%2FB%29|here]] ---- . CategoryGoverningBodies