Attachment '2021-10-07.txt'


   1 [NickServ]
   2 Welcome to CAcert, Etienne! Here on CAcert, we provide services to enable the registration of nicknames and channels! For details, type /msg NickServ help and /msg ChanServ help. 
   3 22:00:12
   4 → Etienne est entré 
   5 22:00:21
   6 bdmc
   7 Greetings Etienne. 
   8 22:00:46
   9 Etienne
  10 Hello bdmc, FD, mcr, egal 
  11 22:00:47
  12 bdmc
  13 Good evening, All 
  14 22:01:32
  15 I see enough of us to start, so I hereby call this meeting to order. 
  16 22:01:42
  17 FD
  18 Hello Etienne, Brian, Michael. 
  19 22:01:53
  20 bdmc
  21 Welcome to October. 
  22 22:02:07
  23 FD
  24 Here we have the agenda: 
  25 22:02:35
  26 bdmc
  27 As usual, we will try to limit our time as much as possible. 
  28 22:03:05
  29 mcr
  30 present! 
  31 22:03:05
  32 FD
  33 Here we have the live temporary notepad to keep track of the minutes: 
  34 22:03:37
  35 bdmc
  36 Skipping the first couple of items, are there any items in either the Board Mailing List or the Board Private Mailing List, that need to be brought to the group? 
  37 22:04:53
  38 mcr
  39 I got connected to nextcloud, I noticed I was not logged in, I logged in and now I get: "File could not be loaded. Please check your internet connection." 
  40 22:05:45
  41 bdmc
  42 That sounds like an iten for Support. 
  43 22:05:45
  44 mcr
  45 I am now connected again, via the top menu. weird. 
  46 22:05:54
  47 → pnunn_2 est entré 
  48 22:06:04
  49 bdmc
  50 Definite inconsistancy. 
  51 22:06:13
  52 Welcome to the party, Peter. 
  53 22:06:29
  54 pnunn: Do you have your Agenda? 
  55 22:06:44
  56 pnunn_2
  57 No, I don't think so. 
  58 22:07:03
  59 bdmc
  60 FD: Would you please re-post that? 
  61 22:07:16
  62 pnunn_2
  63 Took a while to find a functioning irc client. Sorry I'm late. Morning all. 
  64 22:07:22
  65 FD
  66 Sure 
  67 22:07:23
  68 @Michael: you are visible on I can see you connected to the document on Nextcloud 
  69 22:07:37
  70 Good early morning, Peter! 
  71 22:07:46
  72 mcr
  73 Yup, I can connected now. But the link above didn't really work once I decided I should login. 
  74 22:07:55
  75 FD
  76 Here are the links for you too, Peter: 
  77 22:07:57
  78 Here we have the agenda: 
  79 22:08:02
  80 pnunn_2
  81 Thank you. 
  82 22:08:04
  83 FD
  84 Here we have the live temporary notepad to keep track of the minutes: 
  85 22:08:12
  86 Here we have the audiochannel, in parallel to the classical IRC channel: 
  87 22:08:15
  88 mcr
  89 @FD, I went to the main page, there was "recommended files", and I picked the first one. 
  90 22:08:47
  91 bdmc
  92 Back to work:  Does anybody have any comments on the August Minutes? 
  93 22:09:18
  94 pnunn_2
  95 All looked good to me. 
  96 22:09:28
  97 Etienne
  99 22:09:53
 100 bdmc
 101 Etienne:  Do you have a comment or question? 
 102 22:09:58
 103 pnunn_2
 104 Shouldn't that be 0905? 
 105 22:10:19
 106 Etienne
 107 No, no comment. 
 108 22:10:27
 109 bdmc
 110 No, we have the August Minutes before the September ones. 
 111 22:10:29
 112 FD
 113 They seem OK, but you know, we wait too long to approve them, frankly I can't remember what was discussed two months ago now 
 114 22:10:30
 115 Etienne
 116 The president asked for August. 
 117 22:10:50
 118 pnunn_2
 119 Ahh... sorry. 
 120 22:10:52
 121 Etienne
 122 FD, we wrote them together. 
 123 22:11:01
 124 mcr
 125 No comment on August. 
 126 22:11:09
 127 FD
 128 No comment on August. 
 129 22:11:22
 130 bdmc
 131 FD: If we don't have them ready for the meeting, we can't really vote on them. 
 132 22:11:31
 133 Etienne
 134 I move to accept the minutes of August, 05, 2021. 
 135 22:11:48
 136 bdmc
 137 In that case, may I have a motion to accept and approve the August Minutes? 
 138 22:12:04
 139 pnunn_2
 140 second and aye 
 141 22:12:07
 142 Etienne
 143 aye 
 144 22:12:36
 145 FD
 146 yes 
 147 22:13:04
 148 mcr
 149 aye 
 150 22:13:05
 151 bdmc
 152 I don't see the motion.  I guess that I will suggest that Peter made the motion, and I will second it. 
 153 22:13:13
 154 Aye 
 155 22:13:25
 156 pnunn_2
 157 No, Etienne moved the motion. 
 158 22:13:45
 159 Just before you called for it bmc 
 160 22:13:50
 161 bdmc
 162 pnunn_2:  Sorry, he beat me to it. 
 163 22:13:56
 164 Etienne
 165 xx.11:31 
 166 22:14:14
 167 FD
 168 @Brian: As you may have noticed, the minutes have been written in real time for several months, thanks to the collaborative note-taking system. Also, the minutes are available on the day of the committee meeting. 
 169 22:14:16
 170 bdmc
 171 Next, the September minutes.   Any questions or comments? 
 172 22:14:24
 173 Etienne
 175 22:15:31
 176 pnunn_2
 177 No comment or question 
 178 22:15:37
 179 bdmc
 180 Nothing?  OK, may I have a motion for the September Minutes? 
 181 22:15:58
 182 Etienne
 183 I move to accept the minutes from the board meeting from septmber 2nd 2021. 
 184 22:16:09
 185 bdmc
 186 I will second. 
 187 22:16:12
 188 Etienne
 189 aye 
 190 22:16:13
 191 bdmc
 192 Aye 
 193 22:16:30
 194 pnunn_2
 195 aye 
 196 22:16:54
 197 FD
 198 yes 
 199 22:17:12
 200 mcr
 201 aye! 
 202 22:17:14
 203 bdmc
 204 FD: But if they are not in the next month's Agenda, we can't discuss them. 
 205 22:17:25
 206 OK, moving on. 
 207 22:17:31
 208 Etienne
 209 We can handle this three topics together: Just that you are informed what happens in the Secretary's office and is ongoing. Some things take more time than exepted, but every week some stuff is done. Furthermore: preparing the AGM: 
 210 22:17:49
 211 bdmc
 212 Item 2.1.1 -- Etienne? 
 213 22:17:54
 214 Etienne
 215 Thats al from the Secretary's office. 
 216 22:18:34
 217 bdmc
 218 Sorry, I don't understand. 
 219 22:18:53
 220 mcr
 221 My appologies for not editing the Finance Team, "details here" part before the meeting. 
 222 22:18:55
 223 bdmc
 224 According to the Agenda, you were going to meet with the barrister in early September. 
 225 22:19:36
 226 Etienne: Were you able to accomplish that yet? 
 227 22:20:09
 228 mcr
 229 2.1.1, barrister is "CCA change"? 
 230 22:20:25
 231 bdmc
 232 Part of 2.1.1. 
 233 22:21:05
 234 Actually, 2.1.2.  All parts of the changes to our paperwork. 
 235 22:22:01
 236 Etienne
 237 We had a board meeting from another association. But he didn't show up as he was late due to some supplement work in court. Now he is abroad, but will be back on 12th of october. I am running behind him, believe me. 
 238 22:22:36
 239 bdmc
 240 Etienne: I expected that you were on top of it, but depending on other people ( person ). 
 241 22:22:51
 242 Etienne
 243 mcr: barrister is OFT changes. 
 244 22:23:21
 245 While waitiing I progressed with the dossier for tax exemption. 
 246 22:24:01
 247 bdmc
 248 Etienne: Do I understand that at XX:17, you were talking about both 2.1.1 and 2.1.2? 
 249 22:24:24
 250 Etienne
 251 yes, 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3. 
 252 22:24:45
 253 bdmc
 254 My Agenda does not have a 2.1.3.   ???? 
 255 22:25:35
 256 Etienne
 257 Tax excemption: Secretary is preparing paperwork for authorithies of Republic of Geneva. (maybe you loaded the agenda before it was saved) 
 258 22:26:13
 259 bdmc
 260 I loaded it from the link that you sent in the e-mail message, as I called the meeting to order. 
 261 22:26:14
 262 Etienne
 263 Frédéric Grither gave me a hand. 
 264 22:26:42
 265 mcr
 266 I see 2.1.3: Tax excemption: Secretary is preparing paperwork for authorithie... 
 267 22:26:43
 268 bdmc
 269 That sounds like a useful thing.   It is good to keep the Tax people happy. 
 270 22:27:14
 271 I reloaded, and find several changes. 
 272 22:27:29
 273 Anyway, getting back to "the path." 
 274 22:27:47
 275 Item 2.2.1 -- Signer. 
 276 22:27:57
 277 egal -- can you report on this, please? 
 278 22:29:24
 279 bdmc
 280 I guess that we only have Dirk's machine, not Dirk himself. 
 281 22:29:47
 282 Next, Item 2.2.2 -- NextCloud.   Any reports, here? 
 283 22:29:54
 284 FD
 285 NextCloud works, anyone can ask Sascha to create an account for him. This makes it possible not only to access shared files and folders via the web, but also to synchronise them directly in the file tree of one's work station. 
 286 22:29:54
 287 The installation still needs to be completed with an Office document editing server, to allow us to work collaboratively on text documents and spreadsheets. 
 288 22:29:54
 289 Finally, a CRM/ERP, in the form of an independent application, remains to be evaluated before installation. 
 290 22:29:54
 292 22:31:00
 293 bdmc
 294 FD: I know that we have discussed this, but for the others, is the CRM to be part of NextCloud? 
 295 22:32:01
 296 FD
 297 No, it won't be. Sascha wants the online document editor to be kept as simple as possible, Jan wants it to be kept non commercial. 
 298 22:32:37
 299 bdmc
 300 I was asking about the CRM, not the document editor, but I presume that the answer is the same. 
 301 22:33:00
 302 FD
 303 So, we dropped the OnlyOffice Workspace (document editor + integrated CRM module) commercial option. 
 304 22:34:15
 305 bdmc
 306 Since JanDD is not here, as far as I know, we won't look at 2.2.3. 
 307 22:34:43
 308 Moving on to 2.3 -- Backgroud Checks -- any progress? 
 309 22:34:56
 310 pnunn: Have you been contacted on this matter? 
 311 22:35:27
 312 FD
 313 There is one small issue to discuss about the infrastructure. 
 314 22:35:41
 315 pnunn_2
 316 No, not heard anything so far dbmc 
 317 22:36:13
 318 bdmc
 319 FD:  Certainly.  Let us move back to 2.2.3 
 320 22:36:41
 321 FD
 322 Basically, we have about a hundred system administrators who wanted to help us, and are members of the discussion list of the same name. 
 323 22:37:03
 324 bdmc
 325 And nothing for them to do? 
 326 22:37:11
 327 FD
 328 But when you call them out and say: we need help with this. There is silence. 
 329 22:37:22
 330 bdmc
 331 Ah.  Yes, that problem. 
 332 22:37:41
 333 FD
 334 So the question is: how do we get them out of their slumber? 
 335 22:38:06
 336 bdmc
 337 I know that recently, we have been asking for help on specific topics, not just "we need help."   Anybody else have ideas? 
 338 22:38:36
 339 pnunn_2
 340 Would a direct contacting them individualy work perhaps? 
 341 22:39:13
 342 bdmc
 343 We have thought of that, but we don't know enough about what their strengths are. 
 344 22:39:26
 345 FD
 346 In general, it works better when you ask people individually, rather than on the discussion list 
 347 22:39:29
 348 bdmc
 349 Perhaps we don't need that, I don't know. 
 350 22:40:12
 351 FD: You did get some response when you asked about CRM support. 
 352 22:40:41
 353 pnunn_2
 354 I guess the contact could say we need to do x, are you qualified and available or some such. 
 355 22:41:01
 356 FD
 357 In addition, Jan had a list of applications for each of which we are looking for an administrator (to update first, then maintain in the long term). The discussion lists and the wiki are the two examples that come to mind. 
 358 22:41:40
 359 bdmc
 360 Yes, mail in general, but particularly the mailing lists, are definitely in need of upgrade and maintenance. 
 361 22:41:46
 362 FD
 363 @Brian: no useful answer; please see and following 
 364 22:42:43
 365 bdmc
 366 In Board Private, let us discuss and create a list of "critical" needs, and get ready to send some of that mail. 
 367 22:43:38
 368 I can write a message this evening and start the ball rolling. 
 369 22:44:01
 370 ( as long as the mail system accepts my message! ) 
 371 22:44:36
 372 FD
 373 OK. Thank you. 
 374 22:44:36
 375 bdmc
 376 Next, Item 2.4 -- the AGM in six weeks or so. 
 377 22:45:16
 378 I know that I need to write some kind of report.  Do we have a current list of Team Leads, and do they know about their reports? 
 379 22:46:14
 380 mcr: I know that this is premature ( on the Agenda ), but how are you for the AGM? 
 381 22:47:17
 382 Etienne
 383 The secretary is in contact with them and will recontact them starting in two days (as he has some days of holydays next week). At the moment, one team sent his report (Ales/Support) 
 384 22:48:14
 385 bdmc
 386 Yes, the end date of that report is the end of June, 2021, isn't it? 
 387 22:48:20
 388 mcr
 389 bdmc, I'll need to pick a program to do the accounts. I propose to buy QBO for a year.  If the CRM we pick can be used great, but I can't really wait any longer. I should have brought this up three weeks ago. 
 390 22:48:41
 391 Etienne
 392 If mcr can present income/money spent and how much money we had on June 30th, that would be fine. 
 393 22:49:10
 394 bdmc
 395 mcr: What is the cost -- not that we are going to say "no." 
 396 22:49:31
 397 mcr
 398 250CDN. 
 399 22:50:11
 400 Etienne, I can certainly money spent, but income will vague as to whether it's recurring, one-time, etc. 
 401 22:50:14
 402 bdmc
 403 OK, about 200 EUR.   You know the state of our finances, but I imagine that that won't be a problem. 
 404 22:51:02
 405 ( just guessing -- I don't have my exchange rates in front of me ) 
 406 22:52:18
 407 bdmc
 408 Do we want to create a motion directing the Treasurer to incur this expense, or just tell him to do his job? 
 409 22:52:26
 410 mcr
 411 if we think we will pick a CRM, like NextERP, and get it installed by Xmas, then I'd rather pay someone $250 to do that work. 
 412 22:52:30
 413 FD
 414 @Michael: In parallel, do you want to look at what ERCNext could do for you today or tomorrow? 
 415 22:52:50
 416 mcr
 417 er, yeah, ErpNext. 
 418 22:52:57
 419 Not, NextErp. 
 420 22:53:18
 421 FD
 422 Please see: 
 423 22:53:24
 424 mcr
 425 I can improvise "income/money spent" for June 30 in a report. 
 426 22:53:45
 427 FD, the proof is in the using. 
 428 22:53:47
 429 bdmc
 430 mcr: That would certainly be a step in the right direction. 
 431 22:54:19
 432 mcr: Perhaps combined with a Balance Sheet? 
 433 22:54:26
 434 mcr
 435 Treasurer prefers a long-term solution, and recognizes that QBO isn't such a solution. 
 436 22:54:40
 437 Etienne
 438 mcr, that is what we had in the last years, incl. balance sheet. 
 439 22:54:41
 440 mcr
 441 A balance sheet would be "how much money we had" part :-) 
 442 22:54:48
 443 FD
 444 Etienne on the audio channel is in favour of a simple cash in/out table for this year. 
 445 22:54:58
 446 mcr
 447 define "table" 
 448 22:55:06
 449 "Donations XXX" 
 450 22:55:10
 451 "Expenses YYYY" 
 452 22:55:10
 453 ? 
 454 22:55:22
 455 Do we distinguish donations from membership? 
 456 22:55:35
 457 FD
 458 Yes exactly. Please be creative. 
 459 22:56:20
 460 mcr
 461 okay. I'll get that part done.  I still need access to the CHF accounts, and the SecureNet ledger.  But I imagine CHF is zero. 
 462 22:56:24
 463 bdmc
 464 FD: Were you answering about separating the donations from membership, or the text before? 
 465 22:56:46
 466 mcr
 467 I think we're way off agenda, unless it jumped. 
 468 22:56:59
 469 FD
 470 @Brian: Obviously, nothing escapes your lynx eye. 
 471 22:57:01
 472 bdmc
 473 mcr: It would have to be, since that acccount was not opened until after the 1st of July, the beginning the the next Fiscal Year. 
 474 22:57:10
 475 mcr
 476 bdmc, really. Okay. 
 477 22:57:32
 478 Secure-U is still a problem. 
 479 22:57:41
 480 bdmc
 481 No, all of this discussion is in preparation for the AGM. 
 482 22:58:00
 483 Yes, it also spills over into Finance. 
 484 22:58:58
 485 * mcr . o O ( needs coffee ) 
 486 22:59:17
 487 Etienne
 488 mcr, I will send you the information for CHF after the week end. 
 489 22:59:22
 490 bdmc
 491 mcr: OK, not counting Secure-U, how to you feel about July 2020 - June 2021? 
 492 22:59:50
 493 I presume that you still need tools? 
 494 22:59:53
 495 mcr
 496 good. I think that I have all the records I need. 
 497 23:00:03
 498 bdmc
 499 Great. 
 500 23:00:04
 501 Etienne
 502 SecureU is not we. Our money there is not in our balance sheet. 
 503 23:00:11
 504 mcr
 505 bdmc: I have no tool at this point, so I'll be using libreoffice spreadsheet and/or gnumeric. 
 506 23:00:26
 507 Etienne, but there are expenses there, and there are donations in. 
 508 23:00:44
 509 bdmc
 510 Then, moving the organisation forwards, we need tools and storage of records. 
 511 23:00:44
 512 * mcr not really happy with that arrangement. 
 513 23:01:05
 514 bdmc
 515 mcr: A "trust" account.  B-) 
 516 23:01:06
 517 mcr
 518 if ERPNext does not work out by Xmas, then we'll need to do something else. 
 519 23:01:57
 520 bdmc
 521 OK.  I think that we are covered for the AGM.   Anybody else want to talk about that? 
 522 23:02:39
 523 FD
 524 I think that we should consolidate in our accounts, perhaps as an "off-balance sheet" item, the sums that CACert has at its disposal at Secure-U. It's not as if these sums don't exist. 
 525 23:04:01
 526 bdmc
 527 Etienne:  One other thing.  I haven't seen your message about reports, so I may be over-thinking it, but perhaps you could point out that this report is to cover the period from July 2020 to June 2021, so all of the information is already "in hand." 
 528 23:04:43
 529 pnunn_2
 530 Perhaps.. a heads up that I won't be standing for committee next year I'm afraid.. things have got busy and gone in interesting directions. 
 531 23:05:08
 532 Etienne
 533 That is certainly true in the medium term. But for that we would have to get corresponding data from secureU. This would mean that they would have to find a new treasurer, because until then the old one would only be doing the absolute minimum. 
 534 23:05:56
 535 bdmc
 536 Etienne: Do I understand that things are changing at Secure-U? 
 537 23:06:46
 538 Etienne
 539 They should, but don't at the moment. Lack of volunteers.... 
 540 23:06:55
 541 mcr
 542 Secure-U has a distinct treasurer that isn't Dirk? 
 543 23:07:01
 544 bdmc
 545 pnunn_2: "Old Chinese curse" ways, or good ways? 
 546 23:07:10
 547 mcr
 548 brb. 
 549 23:08:03
 550 pnunn_2
 551 both to some extent :) 
 552 23:08:16
 553 bdmc
 554 OK, moving on to Item 2.5 -- Staffing -- Frederic did we cover this earlier? 
 555 23:10:04
 556 FD
 557 I was writing the minutes. One moment please to allow me to answer you. 
 558 23:10:53
 559 In the short term, we have to welcome Peter and Gero as full time software engineers. 
 560 23:11:46
 561 In other words, they need to pass the background check as soon as possible. It was already planned to do it at the end of August for Gero. 
 562 23:11:53
 563 bdmc
 564 Agreed.  ( Software Engineering, QA, QC, Software Acceptance ) 
 565 23:12:46
 566 I will keep reminding the Background Check department that this is outstanding. 
 567 23:13:23
 568 FD
 569 This is the essential condition to finally lock up part of the backlog that we have in software and patches available, but not put into production, because of lack of validation under the conditions required by our Policies. 
 570 23:13:35
 571 bdmc
 572 Haven't seen Michael back yet, so I will move on to Item 2.7 -- Software team. 
 573 23:14:08
 574 I have made the changes prompted by Ales, number 1502 ( and related numbers ). 
 575 23:14:39
 576 I got distracted working on creating a tool kit for developers and testers. 
 577 23:15:54
 578 bdmc
 579 I don't know anything about 1482.  As far as 1444, I think that it may be considered obsolete, because of other work done in the source code. 
 580 23:16:05
 581 FD
 582 As far as the support team is concerned, Mathias must be integrated in the same way. First he should pass his background check, then we should evaluate his ability to join the support team as a full time support engineer. He should be able to support Ales in this way. He clearly has a much broader range of skills than just sorting out trouble ticke 
 583 23:16:05
 584 ts. 
 585 23:17:16
 586 bdmc
 587 Item 2.8 -- Organisation Assurance -- Do we have anything to report, here? 
 588 23:17:47
 589 FD
 590 My last post was related to 2.5. Sorry, it takes time to write in English for a non-native speaker. 
 591 23:18:06
 592 bdmc
 593 FD: Yes, I understood. 
 594 23:18:59
 595 Etienne
 596 If Guy is not here, unfortunately, no. He accepted to take over this lead. 
 597 23:19:07
 598 bdmc
 599 Thank you. 
 600 23:19:29
 601 mcr
 602 back. 
 603 23:19:38
 604 bdmc
 605 Item 2.9 -- Grants, etc.   Frederic, do you want to say anything more than in the Agenda? 
 606 23:22:37
 607 bdmc
 608 Nothing heard.  Going back to Item 2.6 -- Finance.  Michael, do you have anything more? 
 609 23:24:04
 610 mcr
 611 I really didn't. 
 612 23:24:11
 613 bdmc
 614 Thank you. 
 615 23:24:55
 616 OK, we seem to have reached the end of the Agenda sooner than some times.  Do we want to address any of the "Questions?" 
 617 23:25:19
 618 FD
 619 Regarding 2.5: First, we need to complete the tax exemption submission procedure, in order to complete the registration of CAcert with our potential institutional sponsor. Only then will we be able to submit a grant application early next year. 
 620 23:25:19
 621 Furthermore, we have (as usual, unfortunately) no news from RIPE NCC. 
 622 23:25:58
 623 bdmc
 624 FD:  I'm confused.  What does this have to do with Staffing? 
 625 23:27:29
 626 FD
 627 Sorry. I wanted to link that to point #9. 
 628 23:27:47
 629 Regarding #9: First, we need to complete the tax exemption submission procedure, in order to complete the registration of CAcert with our potential institutional sponsor. Only then will we be able to submit a grant application early next year. 
 630 23:27:57
 631 mcr
 632 ah 
 633 23:28:06
 634 FD
 635 Regarding #2.9: First, we need to complete the tax exemption submission procedure, in order to complete the registration of CAcert with our potential institutional sponsor. Only then will we be able to submit a grant application early next year. 
 636 23:28:31
 637 bdmc
 638 Thank you. 
 639 23:28:54
 640 OK, folks.  We have three more meetings this year, and one of them is the AGM. 
 641 23:29:06
 642 mcr
 643 good. 
 644 23:29:13
 645 Etienne
 646 +1 
 647 23:29:22
 648 bdmc
 649 Our next meeting is scheduled for the 4th of November.  All agreed? 
 650 23:29:39
 651 mcr
 652 and then the AGM the next week. 
 653 23:30:04
 654 bdmc
 655 Saturday a week and a bit later, yes. 
 656 23:30:29
 657 pnunn_2
 658 Good stuff. 
 659 23:30:43
 660 FD
 661 OK. 
 662 23:30:49
 663 On general issues, would it be possible to encourage more committee members to join our informal Wednesday audio-video meeting at least once a month. This is where we make progress and do more real work, than during the IRC meetings on the first Thursday alone. 
 664 23:31:34
 665 bdmc
 666 If there is nothing else? 
 667 23:32:02
 668 Etienne
 669 Please read our history at (as King Arthur was CAcert member) ;-) 
 670 23:32:10
 671 bdmc
 672 B-) 
 673 23:32:24
 674 pnunn_2
 675 Sounds interesting. 
 676 23:32:32
 677 bdmc
 678 In that case, I will call this meeting complete. 
 679 23:32:38
 680 Have a good night, all. 
 681 23:32:41
 682 Etienne
 683 And very nice pics from our collection ;-) 
 684 23:32:54
 685 pnunn_2
 686 good day/night/evening all... stay well. 
 687 23:33:06
 688 Etienne
 689 Thank you and good bye! 
 690 23:33:07
 691 bdmc
 692 And to you! 
 693 23:33:20
 694 ← pnunn_2 a quitté (Quit: - A hand-crafted IRC client) 
 695 23:33:41
 696 FD
 697 of the meeting are writen hereThe minutes of the meeting are already drafted and available here: 
 698 23:34:39
 699 The minutes of the meeting are already drafted and available here: 

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