## page was renamed from Brain/CAcertInc/Committee/MeetingAgendasAndMinutes/2018-10-08 ## page was renamed from Brain/CAcertInc/Committee/MeetingAgendasAndMinutes/2018-10-99 . '''To Brain''' '''[[Brain#CAcert_Inc._-_CAcert.org_Members_Association| CAcert Inc. - CAcert.org Members Association]]''' - '''[[AGM|General Meetings]]''' - '''To Brain CAcert Inc. Committee''' '''[[Brain/CAcertInc/Committee/MeetingAgendasAndMinutes| Meeting Agendas & Minutes]]''' - '''[[OverviewProjectsBoard|Board's Project Overview]]''' - '''[[Brain/CAcertInc/Committee/ActionItems|Current Action Items]]''' - '''[[Brain/CAcertInc/Committee/MeetingAgendasAndMinutes/2019-08-08|last meeting]]''' - '''[[Brain/CAcertInc/Committee/MeetingAgendasAndMinutes/2019-09-05|next meeting]]''' ## ####################################################################################### ## FILL IN ABOVE LAST MEETING DATE, NEXT MEETING DATE the correct DATEs ## ####################################################################################### ## please also edit overview under: https://wiki.cacert.org/Brain/CAcertInc/Committee/MeetingAgendasAndMinutes ## ## PM,PD means month and day of previous meeting ## NM,ND means month and day of next meeting ## AM,AD means month and day of actual meeting ## XM,XD means month and day of actual meeting (Australian time) ---- ## ########### ## if a new board was selected, uncomment the next line to inform new members '''[[AGM/NewBoardCheckList|Information for new board members]]''' = Committee Meeting 2019-08-29 (2019-08-30 in Australia) = The meeting will take place at [[http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Board+Meeting&iso=2019-07-25T20:00:00|20:00 UTC]] in the IRC channel #board-meeting on the CAcert IRC network. Feel free to add a business item within the acceptance period of 48 hours or your question to the board below. Non-committee Members: Committee may choose to convert any business proposed as a question in the questions section. == Premeeting == 1. Minutes author prepares [[Brain/CAcertInc/Committee/MeetingAgendasAndMinutes/2019-07-25#Minutes|the minutes from 25-July]] 1. Minutes author prepares [[Brain/CAcertInc/Committee/MeetingAgendasAndMinutes/2019-08-08#Minutes|the minutes from 08-August]] 1. Minutes author puts [[https://community.cacert.org/board/motions.php?motion=m2019MMDD.1|motion m2019MMDD.1]] to accept the minutes from the last meeting. == Agenda == 1. Preliminaries 1. Chair opens the Committee Meeting 1. Who is making minutes? 1. Is there a timelimit? Who is time keeper? 1. Accept [[Brain/CAcertInc/Committee/MeetingAgendasAndMinutes/2019-07-25#Minutes|the minutes from 25-July]] 1. Accept [[Brain/CAcertInc/Committee/MeetingAgendasAndMinutes/2019-08-08#Minutes|the minutes from 08-August]] 1. Chair asks whether [[https://lists.cacert.org/wws/arc/cacert-board-private|cacert-board-private]] or [[https://lists.cacert.org/wws/arc/cacert-board|cacert-board]] maillist includes any items that need to be disclosed to Members. 1. Are there important tasks to discuss today? 1. Chair points [[Brain/CAcertInc/Committee/MeetingAgendasAndMinutes/2019-07-25#Actions|actions from last meeting]] to the meeting, and asks for discussion. {{{#!wiki caution Election pledge: ''The outgoing committee has initiated various measures to get the finances under control. In addition, it intends to bring CAcert to Europe in 2019 (preparations are underway to do it with no need to change policies). This means that there will be an SGM in the first half of 2019 anyway. Then it could be decided: - relocate and continue - or wind up. By then it should have become apparent whether we have got the finances under control.'' For possibilities, see: https://wiki.cacert.org/Brain/CAcertInc/Committee/MeetingAgendasAndMinutes/2018-03-01/ideas Secretary's pledge: ''"(if) each board member is willing to do about 10% more during this transition period (he has) time to prepare statutes (for Switzerland) and (prepare the) SGM."'' }}} {{{#!wiki caution Acceptance of Businesses 48 Hours before beginning of Committee Meeting latest! }}} 1.#2 Business 1. Association 1. SGM/AGM 2019 . Fix a date (Friday 22/29 Nov [[http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Board+Meeting&iso=2019-11-22T20:00:00|20:00 UTC]] = 21:00 Central Europe = Sat 23/30 Nov 07.00 in Sydney) 1. ''Board 2019/20 --> Postponed to 05 Sept 1. resignations . Peter M, Frederic G 1. candidates'' 1. Community 1. Information to the community about volunteers and funds "big mail" (update by '''Etienne R''', '''critical''') . It was my fault after Ted said it was possible without Arb to go back to Arb. Now we have a case and it doesn't go on. The time is pressing. Request: We send "Big Mail" as "Small Mail" to all who agreed to get news as long as Wytze is still active without Ruling. To all others we can still write later, if Arb still allows it. (Etienne R) 1. Grants: open and new inquiries (updates by '''Brian M, Frederic D, Etienne R''') 1. '''Linux Australia - Submitting a grant application''' added by Frederic D . __Context of the issue__: https://lists.cacert.org/wws/arc/cacert-board-private/2019-07/msg00013.html . __Possible solution to the issue__: Strategic plan to be completed by Brian and Peter M. I may give a hand as well. . __Expected outcome of the meeting__: receive the commitment of one or more persons who designate themselves as responsible for writing and submitting the grant application to Linux Australia. 1. '''Getting support from the Linux Foundation - Which kind of support?''' added by Frederic D . __Context of the issue__: https://lists.cacert.org/wws/arc/cacert-board/2019-07/msg00007.html . __Direct link to the Linux Foundation web sites__: . https://funding.communitybridge.org/apply . https://communitybridge.org/developers/ . __Expected outcome of the meeting__: to understand what the Linux Foundation actually may do for CAcert beyond its marketing buzzwords; to give me clear instructions as to the type of assistance to be requested (financial, technical, organizational management?). 1. '''Open Technology Fund - Submitting a "concept note" - Deadline 2019-08-31''' added by Frederic D . __Context of the issue__: https://lists.cacert.org/wws/arc/cacert-board/2019-08/msg00002.html . __Direct link to the Open Technology Fund web sites__: . https://www.opentech.fund/funds/core-infrastructure-fund/ . https://guide.opentech.fund/general-funding-guidelines#contract-templates-and-usg-provisions . __Expected outcome of the meeting__: informal validation of the draft of the concept note. 1. '''open and new inquiries''' we have now for month [[Brain/CAcertInc/Committee/MeetingAgendasAndMinutes/2018-03-01/ideas|46 ideas++]]. Each of us has to take one per month to apply, as having the ideas only in the wiki will never bring some funds. (updates from '''Brian M, Frederic D, Frederic G, Etienne R, Peter N, Peter M, Ross K''') 1. Formal documented plan for our future (needed by both CAcert and people giving us money) (update by '''Brian M, Peter M''') 1. Personnel/volunteers 1. '''critical team (main topic)''' 1. strategy: A ask ABCed people, B search new people and ABC them, C mix of A&B 1. procedure (who, what, until when, BCC cacert-committee-archive@lists.cacert.org) 1. overview ABC for strategy A available 1. strategy B (see also [[https://lists.cacert.org/wws/arc/cacert-board-private/2019-08/msg00032.html|internal mail]] Tue, 27 Aug 2019 15:26:10) 1. strategy C: where are access data deposited? 1. '''Arbitration''' . reactivation of "old" arbitrators (update by '''Brian M, Frederic D, Etienne R''') . AndreasBäß, ThomasBremer, AlexanderPrinsier, NickBebout 1. '''Bernhard F candidate as Organisation Assurer''' added by Frederic D . __Context of the issue__: https://lists.cacert.org/wws/arc/cacert-board-private/2019-08/msg00015.html . __Expected outcome of the meeting__: nomination of Bernhard F as an Organisation Assurer. 1. ''Finances --> Postponed to 05 Sept 1. Westpac (update by '''Peter M, Dirk A''') 1. Membership fees 2018 (and before) (update by '''Frederic G''') 1. The board decides to pay the invoice 2018-2 of €1,324.09 for hosting period June 2018 to November 2018 1. '''International wire transfer - A cost effective solution''' added by Frederic D . __Context of the issue__: https://lists.cacert.org/wws/arc/cacert-board/2019-07/msg00004.html . __Possible solution to the issue__: https://lists.cacert.org/wws/arc/cacert-board/2019-07/msg00006.html . __Expected outcome of the meeting__: to give clear instructions to Treasurer on how-to pay the invoice 2019-1 of €1,349.27 for hosting period November 2018 to May 2019 with funds existing on the !WestPac bank account of the association. More generally, to give clear instructions to Treasurer on how-to transfer money from and to the association's bank accounts located in different countries. 1. The board decides to pay the invoice 2019-1 of €1,349.27 for hosting period November 2018 to May 2019'' 1. Software 1. Operating systems 1. Decision: "The committee expresses thanks to JanDD for the great work in updating Infrao02 and many containers with the help of Wytze." 1. Next steps (what, who, lead) 1. Bug 775 (update by '''Dirk A''') 1. Bug 1305: New root (update) (update by '''Bernhard F''') 1. Root Certificate Class 3 (end of life) (update by '''Brian M''') 1. Bug 1260 (and sub bugs 144x): PHP/Software (update '''Brian M, Karl-Heinz G, Peter M''') 1. other (new/pressing/...) 1. ''Dummy project (update by '''Alexander B, Frederic D''') --> Postponed to 26 Sept'' 1. '''French version of the association's blog - Getting posts translated quicker''' added by Frederic D . __Context of the issue__: https://lists.cacert.org/wws/arc/cacert-translations/2019-07/msg00000.html . __Possible solution to the issue__: to give me write access to the association's blog, for me to be able to publish French translations of any new content, as soon as it pops up. . __Expected outcome of the meeting__: adoption of a motion by the Committee members to give write access to Frederic D to the association's blog. {{{#!wiki note Questions from CAcert.org Community Members can be added until beginning of Committee Meeting! As well questions can be asked at "Question Time", without added Question here }}} 1.#3 Question Time 1. __ABC for Karl-Heinz G ([[Arbitrations/a20160816.1|a20160816.1]])__ added by Frederic D . During its meeting on 2018-11-29, the committee [[Brain/CAcertInc/Committee/MeetingAgendasAndMinutes/2018-11-29|has approved]] to hand over this case to Bernhard F as Case Manager, in place of Eva S. Why Karl-Heinz G has not been ABC'ed since then? What is the underlying legacy problem [[https://lists.cacert.org/wws/arc/cacert-board-private/2019-05/msg00010.html|linked to Eva S]] (cf. the mention ''stalled because of Eva's case'' in Etienne's pread sheet sent on cacert-board-private@lists.c.o on 2019-07-19 ? What are the steps to be completed to unlock the case? 1. __Access to !WestPac accounts__ added by Frederic D . On Jul 2019-07-10, Kevin D wrote to cacert-board-private@lists.c.o about his past efforts to provide [[https://lists.cacert.org/wws/arc/cacert-board-private/2019-07/msg00003.html|Dirk with access to CAcert's bank accounts]] at !WestPac. The mail received no answer. Is it safe to think that we have no more problem to access to these bank accounts by the web? Is everything under control in this respect? 1. __Big 360K Mail - What's going on ?__ added by Frederic D . Etienne announced to be going to send the [[https://lists.cacert.org/wws/arc/cacert-board-private/2019-07/msg00005.html|"Big Mail" draft]] to the case manager, in order to receive green light for pushing it to our over 300K community members (as far as I understood the matter). What is the underlying procedure and who is the case manager here? What are the next steps? How to speed it up, or at least to make sure it won't stall? 1. Closing 1. Agree on date of the next Committee Meeting (Wed/Thu 20 GMT = 21 FR/CH = 15 NY = Thu/Fri 07 AEST) 1. Agree on dates for the next meeting . 5 Sept 2019 . 26 Sept 2019 . 10 Oct 2019 . 24 or 31 Oct 2019 . AGM in Nov 2019 1. Chair closes the Committee Meeting ## ####################################################################################### ## FILL IN MEETING AGENDA ITEMS FROM LAST MEETING MINUTES DEFERRED TO NEXT MEETING ## ####################################################################################### <> == Logfile == [[attachment:2019-08-29.txt|Logfile from meeting 2019-08-29]] <> == Minutes == Present: Etienne, Brian, Frédéric D Apologies: Ross, Peter N Missing: Guests: @ChanServ, decay, dops, egal, nb, nemunaire, SkarmoutsosV, Skeeper, ted, ynazarov, zerkalo '''Preliminaries''' At 20:04 UTC Brian took chair and started the meeting. The minutes were accepted: https://motion.cacert.org/motions/m20190829.1 (the first motion on the new vote system; thank you JanDD) Since August 8th was not held as a formal meeting of the Board, there are no minutes, but [[Brain/CAcertInc/Committee/MeetingAgendasAndMinutes/2019-08-08|a short description]] of what happened and what the committee did. '''Business''' The order is following the priority. Other items are skipped for next week's meeting. * (2.1.1) The secretary should ask the board/team/inc members for their preference for the two given dates 22/29 nov 2019 20:00 UTC for the '''AGM 2019'''. * (2.2.1) As the committee stil does not have an answer from arbitration and time is pressing, the strategy will be to send the '''360K-mail''' only to that community members who accepted receive news, and to the rest later, if approved by arbitration. . Frédéric wants to send a teaser 5 days before to announce the 360K mail. There is no opposition. * (2.3.3) '''Open Technology Fund''' . Frédéric prepared it with the support of Brian, Lambert and others. The submit date is in two days. The committee see nothing which could hurt CAcert, as basically, we are open-source already. * (2.5.1) The committee contacted all people with an ABC and asked, if they are interested to join the '''critical team'''. Not everyone has the needed skills or the time. The committee allready widened the focus to people with the needed skills, but no ABC. This should make it easier to find people. The board will pre-check them and ask Arb for ABC immediately. We should take into account that critical team is, as the name says, quite critical for CAcert, as the only one having access to the database. * (2.5.3) The committee accepted a new [[https://lists.cacert.org/wws/arc/cacert-board-private/2019-08/msg00015.html |Org Assurer]] "Considering that there is currently no Org Assurer Officer, I request that Board confirm Bernhard F as an Org Assurer as he meets all requirements." https://motion.cacert.org/motions/m20190829.2 * ( "The committee expresses thanks to JanDD for the great work in updating Infrao02 and many containers with the help of Wytze." https://motion.cacert.org/motions/m20190829.3 '''Question Time''' '''Closing''' We aggreed last meeting on '''2019-09-05-20:00 UTC for the next meeting'''. Chair closed the meeting at 22:12 UTC <> === Motions === * [[https://community.cacert.org/board/motions.php?motion=m2018AMAD.1|m2018AMAD.1]]: ''Motion to accept Minutes from last meeting'' * [[https://community.cacert.org/board/motions.php?motion=m2018AMAD.#|m2018AMAD.#]]: ''Motions from the meeting'' <> === Actions === || ''Who'' || ''Status'' || ''Action'' || || Minutemaker || wip || prepare Agenda and Minutes for the next meeting || || Secretary || done || sending mails with proposed dates for the AGM 2019 || ---- . CategoryBoardMinutes