* Case Number: a20140404.1 * Status: closed * Claimant (C): Thomas B * Respondent (R): CAcert * initial Case Manager (iCM): EvaStöwe * Case Manager (CM): [[Mario Lipinski]] * Arbitrator (A): EvaStöwe * Date of arbitration start: 2014-11-10 * Date of ruling: 2014-11-10 * Case closed: 2014-12-21 * Complaint: Assurer Account removal == History Log == . 2014-04-04 (issue.c.o): case [s20140404.54] . 2014-04-06 (iCM): added to wiki, request for CM / A . 2014-04-06 (iCM): send notification of case to C . 2014-07-26 (iCM): repeats request for CM / A . 2014-11-10 (CM): I will take care about this case as CM and EvaStöwe will be A . 2014-11-10 (CM): sent init mail . 2014-11-10 (A): Discovery, Ruling and Execution Request . 2014-11-11 (Support): asks some questions about the ruling (end date of retention time, deadlines) . 2014-11-11 (A): answers questions from Support . 2014-12-21 (A): asks support for status update . 2014-12-21 (Support): reports status asks if account should be closed . 2014-12-21 (A): if C reported the destruction, the account can be closed by support . 2014-12-21 (Support): C has confirmed the destruction of the CAP forms, therefor closed account . 2014-12-21 (A): thanks support for help . 2014-12-21 (A): close case == Private Part == * '''Link to Arbitration case [[Arbitrations/priv/a20140404.1|a20140404.1 (Private Part)]], Access for (CM) + (A) only''' ## ==> INCLUDE SECTION BOT <> ## <== INCLUDE SECTION EOT ==== EOT Private Part ==== == original Dispute == {{{ I no longer need or use CAcert for anything. So please delete my account. All certificate created are invalid now but I assured a few people in 2007 but never signed up for the new scheme. Please inform when the process is done and my account deleted Thanks in advanced }}} (There were active certificates found by Support and at least partly revoked by C, before dispute was handed over to Arbitration) == Discovery == * The claimant has requested to get his account closed. * The support ticket for the case shows, that the certificates were revoked. * The end date for the last signature on a pgp key for the account was in the middle of 2014-08 * When the 3 months retention time after the end date of said signature is over, all assurances given by the assurer will be older than 7 years. The account matches the prerequisites of the precedents ruling in [[Arbitrations/a20140713.1|a20140713.1]]. == Ruling == The account of the claimant should be closed with the process defined in precedents case a20140713.1[2] with the following adjustment, as this case matches the prerequisite defined there. As the claimant is no longer an assurer, the CAcert Reliance Statement (CARS) about the destruction of the CAcert Assurance Program (CAP) forms cannot be given in this case. Instead the claimant should be asked to destroy the CAP forms at the required time, as he promised the assurees to do, when he signed the CAP forms. He should also be asked to confirm this. If the confirmation is not given after three reminders with a sensible response time, the account should be closed, but the claimant remains responsible for the CAP forms and their destruction and may be contacted about them by the assurees or persons authorised by an Arbitrator. Support should give a status report to the Arbitrator and Case Manager of this case, when the account is closed. Cologne, 2014-11-10<
> Eva Stöwe == Execution == Support received a copy of the ruling as execution request. . 2014-11-11 (Support): asks some questions about the ruling (end date of retention time, deadlines) . 2014-11-11 (A): answers questions from Support . 2014-12-21 (A): asks support for status update . 2014-12-21 (Support): reports status asks if account should be closed . 2014-12-21 (A): if C reported the destruction, the account can be closed by support . 2014-12-21 (Support): C has confirmed the destruction of the CAP forms, therefor closed account . 2014-12-21 (A): thanks support for help == Similiar Cases == || [[Arbitrations/a20110319.1|a20110319.1]] || [[Arbitrations/a20110319.1|Name Change after Marriage (Peter F)]] || || [[Arbitrations/a20111128.3|a20111128.3]] || [[Arbitrations/a20111128.3|Delete Account cases to handle by SE - No Assurances given, no certs or certs expired - Precedents Case {i} ]] || || [[Arbitrations/a20080702.1|a20080702.1]] || [[Arbitrations/a20080702.1|User requests to delete account with Assurance Points]] || || [[Arbitrations/a20090618.3|a20090618.3]] || [[Arbitrations/a20090618.3|Assurer requests to delete account]] || || [[Arbitrations/a20090328.1|a20090328.1]] || Assurer wants his account deleted || || [[Arbitrations/a20100907.1|a20100907.1]] || letter of resignation || || [[Arbitrations/a20110110.1|a20110110.1]] || [[Arbitrations/a20110110.1|Please Delete my Account (Is Assurer)]] || || [[Arbitrations/a20110131.1|a20110131.1]] || [[Arbitrations/a20110131.1|Account Removal Olivier F (Is Assurer)]] || || [[Arbitrations/a20090510.3|a20090510.3]] || [[Arbitrations/a20090510.3|Assurer with alter-ego even assured himself more than once]] || || [[Arbitrations/a20140123.1|a20140123.1]] || [[Arbitrations/a20140123.1|Close my assurer account (Martin M)]] || || [[Arbitrations/a20140713.1|a20140713.1]] || [[Arbitrations/a20140713.1|delete assurer account Precedents Case {i} delete assurer account ]] || ---- . CategoryArbitration . CategoryArbCaseAccountDelAssurer