Before: Arbitrator name arbitor (A), Respondent: Rafael M (R), Claimant: Support (represented by Werner D) (C), Case: a20140119.2

History Log

Original Dispute, Discovery (Private Part) (optional)

EOT Private Part


> Hello Arbitrators,
> I want to file a dispute as Support against Rafael [...],
> primary email address,  for not reacting to a support order, which I
> regard as a CCA violatiom.
> As visible in the attached case I requested Rafael [...]
> to change his account data until 2013-12-26 which has not been done yet.
> I blocked the account of Rafael [...] today.
[details of account of Respondent]
> Please check if the doing was correct.

parts in [] anonymized by iCM for privacy reasons




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Arbitrations/a20140119.2 (last edited 2016-05-31 20:36:38 by EvaStöwe)