Before: Arbitrator name arbitor (A), Respondent: Neven V (R), Claimant: MarcusMängel (C), Case: a20130422.2

History Log

Original Dispute, Discovery (Private Part) (optional)

EOT Private Part

Original Distpue

> Hi guys,
> I locked the Neven V[...] [email] due to a CCA 
> violation
> 2.5.2 [1] in that he was not responding to questions of support 
> regarding the users account.
> original ticket s20130313.96
> ---
> Hi,
> while I was working on entering the stack of CAP forms next to me I 
> came accross the CAP form by
> Name: Neven V[...]
> Email: [email]
> who has an stray "Mr." at the end on the account line:
> Name as shown by the system: Neven V[...] Mr.
> Please check if the suffix is entered in error and remove it if that's 
> the case.
> Best regards,
> Benny B[...]
> ----
> mail to user on 2013-03-13
> mail to user on 2013-06-04 with dead line to responde until 2013-04-20
> Additional findings
> [secondary email status]
> [assurance status]
> [certificate status]
> [1]

Parts in [] anonymised at disclosure of dispute. May be adjusted by CM or Arbitrator.




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Arbitrations/a20130422.2 (last edited 2016-12-08 22:05:46 by EvaStöwe)