Before: Arbitrator name arbitor (A), Respondent: Thomas W (R), Claimant: Nick B (C), Case: a20120115.1

History Log

Original Dispute, Discovery (Private Part)

EOT Private Part

Original Dispute

I'd like to file a dispute regarding the date of birth located in
Thomas W[..]' online account.  His correct date of birth is [date]
and his account reads [date].  I have assured him today, however, I
am unable to enter the points in the online system until his date of
birth is correct.  He has accepted CCA on the signed CAP form that I
have in my possession.  Several other assurers have assured him today
also and are aware that his date of birth needs to be fixed.  I have
informed him that he cannot be assured until an arbitrator orders that
his date of birth be corrected.  He cannot fix it himself since he has
already been assured before.

Thank you,

Nicholas B[...]
CAcert Assurer Reliable Statement (CARS)




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Arbitrations/a20120115.1 (last edited 2016-12-08 21:31:10 by EvaStöwe)