- Case Number: a20110609.1
- Status: closed
- Claimants: Carl T
- Respondents: CAcert
Initial Case Manager: UlrichSchroeter
Case Manager: UlrichSchroeter
Arbitrator: BernhardFröhlich
- Date of arbitration start: 2011-08-10
- Date of ruling: 2011-08-11
- Case closed: 2011-09-18
- Complaint: Change Name
- Relief: TBD
Before: Arbitrator BernhardFröhlich (A), Respondent: CAcert (R), Claimant: Carl T (C), Case: a20110609.1
History Log
- 2011-06-09 (issue.c.o) case [s20110609.28]
- 2011-06-11 (iCM): added to wiki, request for CM / A
- 2011-06-11 (AS1): sent info to Arbitration
2011-08-10 (A): I take this case as Arbitrator, UlrichSchroeter will be Case Manager.
- 2011-08-10 (A): Sent initial mailing
- 2011-08-10 (A): request to Assurers (AS1), (AS2), (AS3) named in dispute filing
- 2011-08-10 (AS2): responds to (A) request, confirms the claim
- 2011-08-11 (AS3): responds to (A) request, confirms the claim
Original Dispute, Discovery (Private Part) (optional)
Link to Arbitration case a20110609.1 (Private Part)
EOT Private Part
Assurer AS1 has already sent a CARS to the initial Case Manager before the Arbitration was started. He also confirms the claim.
Based on reliable statements of three Assurers I rule that the name in the Claimant's account shall be changed according to his claim.
Since the difference of the names in account and ID documents is only minor I consider it not necessary to revoke Assurance Points. The Claimant shall revoke existing certificates containing his "old" name till October 11, 2011, unless they expire before this date.
The Assurers which have assured the Claimant shall be informed about the hyphen rules in the PracticeOnNames. No further penalty is needed because this name variation is commonly used, the potential of abuse is very low and there is no indication of malicious intentions.
Additional Comment
Indeed the documentation was very unclear, and practice has changed somewhat during the last year. After further research it may be stated that the actions of all involved Assurers were acceptable according to current rules.
Munich, 2011-09-18
- 2011-08-11 (A): Sent execution request to support: Modify the account's name and provide a list of Assurances made.
- 2011-08-11 (A): Notified Claimant of the ruling
- 2011-08-11 Support confirms changing the name in the account and provides the Assurers which have assured the account (AS4, AS5, AS6, AS7).
2011-09-14 (A): Checked PracticeOnNames (Version 44, 2011-06-23). The statements concerning the hyphens in given names are very unclear, partly contradicting. Modified PracticeOnNames according to a20100302.1 precedent case. Waiting for confirmation or complaints.
2011-09-18 (A): Sent mail to involved Assurers about the current state of the hyphen rule.
- 2011-09-18 (A): Added comment to ruling
- 2011-09-18 The case is closed now.
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