- Case Number: a20110509.1
- Status: closed
- Claimants: Alexander G
- Respondents: CAcert
Initial Case Manager: UlrichSchroeter
Case Manager: UlrichSchroeter
Arbitrator: BernhardFröhlich
- Date of arbitration start: 2011-09-15
- Date of ruling: 2011-10-02
- Case closed: 2011-10-02
- Complaint: delete account
- Relief: TBD
Before: Arbitrator BernhardFröhlich (A), Respondent: CAcert (R), Claimant: Alexander G (C), Case: a20110509.1
History Log
- 2011-05-09 (website form) request initiated
- 2011-05-15 (issue.c.o) case [s20110515.21]
- 2011-06-11 (iCM): added to wiki, request for CM / A
2011-09-15 (A): I'll take this case as Arbitrator, UlrichSchroeter will be Case Manager.
- 2011-09-15 (A): Sent mail to support asking for primary mail of the account owning the domain stated in the dispute filing
- 2011-09-16 Support responds and provides mail address of the account.
- 2011-09-17 (A): Sent initiating mail using the mail address provided by support, asking to confirm the request
- 2011-09-30 (A): No answer received in 14 days, assuming the request is genuine.
- 2011-09-30 (A): Sent request to Support to provide information about C's account. Authorisation is given to anonymize the account if no Assurances are given and no certificates have been issued.
Original Dispute, Discovery (Private Part)
Link to Arbitration case a20110509.1 (Private Part)
EOT Private Part
- Like the Claimant states there exist two accounts for the same name with the same birtdate.
- No CCA termination requested.
- No Assurances given, no certificates issued
The account stated by the Claimant shall be anonymized and its resources freed using the standard procedure.
Since another account of the Claimant is known, the risks, liabilities and obligations of the deleted account are transferred to the other account.
Munich, 2011-10-02
- 2011-09-30 Support reports: No Assurances given, no certificates issued, the account has been anonymized
- 2011-10-02 (A): Sent notification to C
- 2011-10-02 (A): This case is closed now.
Similiar Cases
see also: Arbitrations Training Lesson 20 - Arbitration Case - Delete Account Request