Before: Arbitrator UlrichSchroeter (A), Respondent: Rudy J (R), Claimant: Oliver W (C), Case: a20110213.1

History Log

Original Dispute, Discovery (Private Part)

EOT Private Part



  1. Gathered evidence was brought by 3 Assurers about the correct Givenname and correct Surname. Despite the fact 2 of the assurers entered the Assurance onto the online system
  2. Evidence is also given by the cultural differences how to enter fullnames (SURNAME, Givenname or SURNAME Givenname) as a common fact, as stated by other assurers from France in other arbitration cases too and also added as known Country variation for FR in PracticeOnNames

  3. To reflect the correct Givenname and Surname in the users online account, I hereby order Support to correct the users name in the respondents online account as requested in the dispute filing and the given statement by the respondent as requested (swap Givenname and Surname).
  4. Further I rule this case as precedent case, that further requests regarding name swaps can be handled by Support with link to this arbitration case, by requesting given statements from the user and at least one addtl. Assurer, to state the fact is given about the French cultural differance on entering SURNAME (all upper case letters as the Surname) and Givenname (First upper char, all other chars in lower case) as Givenname onto the online account if only one Givenname and one Surname is given. To enter addtl. Middlenames, or removal of Middlenames is not covered by this ruling and has to be filed as seperate dispute.
  5. Assurers who entered the Assurance onto the online account with the swapped name, should be notified about the PracticeOnNames FR Country variation definition, not to enter Assurances into the online system, before the name correction has been applied. This also covers the the precedents ruling (as addtl. task for Support on receiving name change requests, to notify the Assurers allready on the Assurances Received list of users account). No further actions to take over the Assurers.

  6. Further I rule, that the Join form should be advanced with hints about how to enter names onto an account, also with hints about cultural differences. A bug #912 number still exists, but needs to be fixed soon.

Frankfurt/Main, 2011-03-10


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Arbitrations/a20110213.1 (last edited 2011-03-11 13:25:19 by UlrichSchroeter)