* Case Number: a20091118.1 * Status: closed * Claimants: Dirk Astrath, Werner Dworak (as SE), Joost Steijlen (as SE) * Respondents: Robert Cruikshank ( --( SebastianKueppers, Philipp Gühring )-- ) * Case Manager: Alexander Prinsier * Arbitrator: UlrichSchroeter * Date of arbitration start: 2009-12-04 * Date of ruling: 2010-11-26 * Case closed: 2010-11-26 * Complaint: Assurance(s) while TTP program frozen --( 3 disputes: TTPfrozen, Arbitrator, Systemchanges )-- Dispute filing from case [[Arbitrations/a20090518.1|a20090518.1]] {{{ Against what mandated in the AP people is still getting 150 points from the TTP programme which is (in theory) frozen until we get a sub-policy, and when it was supposed to be limited to 100 points. }}} Dispute filing from 2009-11-18 {{{ on 11-11-2009 i got a message via the cacert-support-list with the following content: from: website-form@cacert.org schrieb: > > From: S* H* > > Email: s*@h* > > Subject: Rounding down of assurance points > > > > Message: > > Hi, > > > > I used the TTP method to get assured. When it was put into the system, the points awarded to me were rounded down (see mail copied in below). > > > > Aside from becoming an assurer myself, are there any other benefits of becoming assured. At this point, I've been assuming that when I get enough points, certificates I generate will then actually contain my name (not just CaCert WoT user); it this correct? > > > > You are receiving this email because you have been assured by Robert Cruikshank (robert@cruikshanks.net). > > > > You were issued 150 points however the system has rounded this down to 35 and you now have 35 points in total. > > > > Best regards > > CAcert Support Team (i replaced the name of the assuree with * to keep the data-protection. you may take a look in the support-mailing-list to find his name ... but his name is not the main point in these disputes) however ... in detail: i want to file a dispute against several people: (1) against robert c. ... as i did in dispute a20090518.1 maybe you can add this dispute to this case ... (background: robert gives 150 points for ttp-assurances while the ttp-program is frozen and the assurance policy allowes 50 points per assurance only) (2) against sebastian k. ... since he is the arbitrator in the above case ... and did not rule anything since may to ensure, that ttp is frozen. (3) against philipp g. ... since he made changes to the system, which avoid correct ttp-assurances by rounding down the points to 35 instead of 50 ------------------ when processing these cases, i want the arbitrator to re-check the ttp-assurances made since the ttp-program was frozen, because i think, that there will be some more ttp-assurances in the time between may and november. (i don't want to know the number or names ... i simply want to act cacert according to the assurance policy). according the dispute against sebastian take care, that the time-frame is MUCH TOO LONG ... especially in this case, where assurances were made AGAINST the assurance policy. there may be other cases (date-of-birth, additional name) where it doesn't care, if the case is ruled a week or month earlier or later. according the dispute against philipp this is a small bug, which causes no acts against the assurance policy ... but think about bugs, which may cause possible actions against the assurance policy. in my eyes there should be no modifications possible at the web-server without a second person checking the patch being implemented. (hint: i don't want to rule, since i'm no arbitrator ... it's just MY humble opinion as a normal cacert-user) according the email-adresses of the three users in this mail: these email-adresses should be well-known to any cacert-member, arbitrator etc. according a20090518.1 there had been changes in the wiki-entry in may ... since then nothing happened there ... now we have november. the only change there was an entry in october where ulrich stepped in as case manager. there had been no answer to his request by the arbitrator or former case manager until now ... have a nice day ps: ... and yes ... i accept the CCA ... }}} Additional Dispute filing {{{ Hello Arbitrators, herby I file dispute against Robert C.. He made a false assurance. Checking Stig E. I found the following assurance: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Assurance Punkte Datum Wer E-Mail Punkte Ort Methode