* Case Number: a20090701.1 * Status: closed * Claimants: Sandra Jola Boser, s.j.boser at gmx dot de * Respondents: CAcert, Sebastian Schröder * Case Manager: BernhardFröhlich * Arbitrator: UlrichSchroeter * Date of arbitration init: 2009-07-03 * Date of arbitration start: * Date of Ruling: 2009-11-11 * Date of Execution: 2009-11-12 * Date of close: 2009-11-12 * Complaint: Wrong DoB {{{ Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, leider ist mir ein blöder Fehler unterlaufen; war im Hotel in einer Stress-Situation. Der Tippteufel hat zugeschlagen. Bei meinen Daten in meinem Account stimmt das Geburtsdatum nicht. Dort steht: Geb. 08.August 1969 !! Richtig ist: 18. August 1969 Ich habe versucht dies zu ändern. Geht aber wohl nur durch den Admin. Wären Sie so nett und würden das bitte berichtigen? Geht das? Falls Sie ein Dokument oder die Geburtsurkunde dafür benötigen, kann ich die Ihnen gerne zukommen lassen. Ich entschuldige mich für die Umstände und bedanke mich im Voraus für die Änderung. Mit freundlichem Gruß, Sandra Jola Boser. }}} Translation (very rough): {{{ Due to a hasty typo my account contains the DoB 1969-08-08, which is incorrect. The correct DoB is 1969-08-18. I cannot change the date myself please correct it. If required I can provide evidence for the correct Date of Birth. }}} * Relief: TBD Before: Arbitrator UlrichSchroeter (A). Respondent: CAcert (R) Claimant: Sandra Jola Boser (C) Case: a20090701.1 == History Log == '''Additional information provided by Support''': The user has 35 points already issued by Sebastian Schröder at [[events/LinuxTag2009|LinuxTag Berlin 2009]]. '''Note''': See also case [[Arbitrations/a20090702.2|a20090702.2]]. . 2009-07-03 CM: Sent initiating mail. . 2009-07-03 C: 1st reply . 2009-07-20 C: 2nd reply, dont accept CCA / DRP, please delete account . 2009-07-21 CM: reply to mail from 2009-07-20 . 2009-10-27 A: 2nd reply to mail from 2009-07-20 . 2009-11-04 A: Reminder to 2nd reply mail from 2009-10-27 . 2009-11-11 A: ruling . 2009-11-12 A: support answers ruling exec . 2009-11-12 A: case closed . 2009-11-12 C: answers mail from 2009-10-27 . 2009-11-12 A: sent info to (C) about deleted account == Ruling == Relief {{{ (a) All existing assurances on this account should be revoked as they are not correct. (b) The account should be disabled / deleted asap }}} Rationale * The request for DoB change was filed by [[Arbitrations/a20090702.2|a20090702.2]] and (C) itself (moved to their own case) * The request for CCA / DRP acceptance under this arbitration wasn't accepted by the (C) as needed by the DRP. Means: The Arbitrator cannot confirm that all parties accept the forum of dispute resolution. (DRP) * (C) requests instead, to remove the account, in an email from 2009-07-20 * Further communications hasn't been answered by (C) * There was no consideration within a timely manner * The rule 'Participating Users may not resign until the completion of the case.' from DRP hasn't been followed by (C) (DRP) * the Parties keep email accounts in good working order hasn't been followed by (C) after their account removal request (DRP) * An account removal request have to follow the same procedure as a DoB change request * As of missing CCA / DRP acceptance, the users falls back to the NRP-DaL * Any parties that are not Users and are not bound by the CPS are given the opportunity to enter into CAcert and be bound by the CPS and these rules of arbitration. If these Non-Related Persons (NRPs) remain outside, their rights and remedies under CAcert's policies and forum are strictly limited to that specified in the Non-Related Persons -- Disclaimer and Licence. NRPs may proceed with Arbitration subject to preliminary orders of the Arbitrator. (DRP) Frankfurt/Main, Germany, Oct 11th, 2009 == Execution == . 2009-11-11 (A): information to (CM), (C), (R) . 2009-11-11 (A): execute request to support at c.o (see relief) . 2009-11-12 (A): exec report from support . 2009-11-12 (A): report to involved parties . 2009-11-12 (A): case closed == Potential precedent cases == || [[Arbitrations/a20090510.1|a20090510.1]] || User was assured with the wrong DoB || || [[Arbitrations/a20090513.1|a20090513.1]] || User was assured with the wrong DoB || || [[Arbitrations/a20090510.2|a20090510.2]] || User was assured with the wrong DoB || ---- . CategoryArbitration . [[CategoryArbCaseAccountDataDoB]]