* Case Number: a20090525.2 * Status: init * Claimants: CAcert represented by Iang (iang at cacert dot org) * former Claimant: CAcert represented by Guillaume Romagny (guillaume at cacert dot org) * Respondents: Werner Dworak (werner AT wombaz DOT de) * Case Manager: to be assigned * Arbitrator: Lambert Hofstra (lambert at cacert.org) * Date of arbitration start: 2009/XX/YY * Issue: background check before addition to support team The issue at hand is to do a background check on Werner Dworak, before he can join the support team, which he has volunteered to do. There is NO WRONG DOING ALLEGED. This is a standard procedure to determine the suitability of a candidate to be given access to critical and sensitive systems. Before: Arbitrator name ??? (A). Respondent: Werner Dworak (R) Claimant: CAcert represented by Iang (C) Case: a20090525.2 == History Log == . 2009-05-25 Support : Please assign a Case-Manager & Arbitrator from the arbitrators pool . 2009-05-26 Support : Nick Bebout appointed as arbitrator . 2009-06-24 Support : Arbitrator is Lambert Hofstra because Werner is german speaking it is easier to deal the background check. . 2009-11-17 : case re-opened / re-init, modified with new (C) . 2009-11-17 : Lambert continues as (A) in this case . 2009-11-18 : A has requested assistance of Philipp G for the interview . 2009-11-22 : A and Philipp have interviewed R . 2009-11-23 : A has created a summary for review by Philipp . 2009-11-24 : Ruling == Discovery == == Ruling == The background check has not revealed issues that are blocking. As a result, it is now up to the support manager to accept R as member of the support team. == Execution == == Similiar Cases == || [[Arbitrations/a20090501.1|a20090501.1]] || [[Arbitrations/a20090501.1|background check for support crew Pete Stephenson ]] || || [[Arbitrations/a20090224.1|a20090224.1]] || [[Arbitrations/a20090224.1|background check for critical systems team]] || || [[Arbitrations/a20091117.3|a20091117.3]] || [[Arbitrations/a20091117.3|background check for support crew Faramir ]] || || [[Arbitrations/a20091117.4|a20091117.4]] || [[Arbitrations/a20091117.4|background check for support crew Nick Bebout ]] || ---- . CategoryArbitration . [[CategoryArbCaseSystemABC]]