* Case Number: a20090518.1 * Status: closed * Claimants: dirk astrath * Respondents: Robert Cruikshank * Case Manager: Alejandro Mery, UlrichSchroeter as substitute * Arbitrator: TBA * former Arbitrator: Sebastian Küppers * Date of arbitration init: 2009-05-18 * Date of arbitration starts: ? * Date of arbitration ruling: * Date of arbitration execution: * Date of arbitration close: 2009-12-25 * Complaint: People is getting 150 points from TTP while the programme is frozen {{{ Against what mandated in the AP people is still getting 150 points from the TTP programme which is (in theory) frozen until we get a sub-policy, and when it was supposed to be limited to 100 points. }}} * Relief: XXX/None Before: Arbitrator name arbitor (A), Respondent: Robert Cruikshank (R), Claimant: dirk astrath (C), Case: a20090518.1 == History Log == . 2009-10-12 (CM): UlrichSchroeter step-in as substitute . 2009-10-12 (CM): request for actual state from before CM, A (init mails sent?) . 2009-11-13 (CM): no answer from old (CM), no answer from (A), no answer from (C), no answer from (R) . 2009-11-14 (CM): re-request infos from old (CM) and (A), awaiting reply till Sun 22, 2009 . 2009-11-14 (CM): sending initial mail to (C) and (R), awaiting reply till Sun 22, 2009 . 2009-11-15 (CM): reply from old (CM), no special info, except 'move on' . 2009-12-25 (UlrichSchroeter): arbitrator released this case as of [[Arbitrations/a20091118.4|a20091118.4]] . 2009-12-25 (CM): merge to arbitration case [[Arbitrations/a20091118.1|a20091118.1]] . 2009-12-25 (CM): this case closed. == Discovery == === Timeline of Policy Descisions and Motions === * 2008-07-12 [[PolicyDecisions#p20080712.1_Assurance_Policy|p20080712.1]] Assurance Policy . Proposal for Assurance Policy to move from WIP to DRAFT status. . Votes: 9 Ayes, 1 Nay, 4 Abstentions. * 2009-01-05 [[PolicyDecisions#p20090105.2_Assurance_Policy_status:_POLICY|p20090105.2]] Assurance Policy status: POLICY . Proposal to accept Assurance Policy as POLICY has been voted on. Votes ended 24th of December 2008. . AYE: 5 - Nay: 0 . (AP is now on main website.) * 2009-09-12 [[https://community.cacert.org/board/motions.php?motion=m20090912.1|m20090912.1]] - m20090912.1 . Approved 2009-09-20 00:00:03 UTC m20090912.1 . Assurance under Assurance Policy only . Resolved, that this committee, officers and all Assurers are charged to . ensure that all assurance follows Assurance Policy, made binding DRAFT . p20080712.1 and POLICY p20090105.2. . Further resolved, to cease all assurance activity outside Assurance . Policy. Old programmes not as yet translated into the new Assurance Policy . regime of subsidiary policies include: . - super-assurance . - TVerify . - assurances by and of Juniors . - TTP . These are to cease immediately, and be only restarted when the appropriate . subsidiary policy under AP is passed into DRAFT by policy group. . This committee notes with concern that any assurance conducted outside AP . (after its passing into binding DRAFT) is subject to reversal and worse by . the Arbitrator. . Due: 2009-09-19 23:59:59 UTC . Proposed: Ian Grigg (2009-09-12 13:44:44 UTC) . Vote type: veto . Aye|Naye|Abstain: 5|0|0 * 2009-09-14 [[https://community.cacert.org/board/motions.php?motion=m20090914.2|m20090914.2]] - Confirm Motion m20090912.1 * 2009-09-28 [[https://community.cacert.org/board/motions.php?motion=m20090928.1|m20090928.1]] - Tverify continues till Nov 16, 2009 . Approved 2009-10-06 00:00:02 UTC m20090928.1 . Run Tverify as-is until End Of Life 20091116 . Aye|Naye|Abstain: 6|1|0 === Technical === * Database Structure and Fields that relates to Special Assurance Programs . as defined under [[Software/Database/StructureDefined|Database Structure]] * Notary: This table contains all data for events which award Trust Points: Assurances, TTP, Thawte Point transfers etc. * Cats_Passed: Lists all the tests passed by a user. * TVerify: ? * TVerify-Vote: ? * Users: Contains one record for each registered user. . parameters that probably relates to special assurance programs || codesign || int(1) || 1 if allowed to request code signing certs || || 1024bit || tinyint(1) || ? || || admin || tinyint(1) || 1 if user is admin || || ttpadmin || tinyint(1) || 1 if user is TTP admin || || orgadmin || tinyint(1) || 1 if user is Org admin || || board || tinyint(1) || 1 if user is member of CAcert's board (?) || || tverify || tinyint(1) || 1 if user is tverify admin (?) || || locadmin || tinyint(1) || 1 if user can administer the location database || || assurer || int(2) || 1 if user is Assurer (100 Assurance Points plus Challenge). This field is caching only, if performance does not forbid try to select the underlying data instead. || || assurer_blocked || tinyint(1) || 1 if user may not become assurer || == Ruling == == Execution == == Similiar Cases == || [[Arbitrations/a20091118.1|a20091118.1]] || [[Arbitrations/a20091118.1|Assurances while TTP program frozen]] || ---- . CategoryArbitration . CategoryArbCaseOtherAssurerErrors