* Case Number: a20090424.1 * Status: closed * Claimants: Ian Grigg * Respondents: CAcert * Case Manager: Alejandro Mery * Arbitrator: UlrichSchroeter * former Arbitrator: Sebastian Kuppers * Date of arbitration start: 2009-05-17 * Date of ruling: 2009-12-25 * Case closed: 2009-12-25 * Complaint: Ad hoc SQL query requested {{{ When the un-Challenged Assurers were shut off a few weeks ago, London went from 24 listed Assurers to 4 listed Assurers (approximately). This indicates that London has a very strong need to have an ATE [1], and as this is an ideal opportunity for Audit to check Assurances, one is now planned and scheduled [2] for 12th May. I would like to notify [3] *all ex-Assurers* [4] of this important Assurance event in London, 12th May, once now, and once 2 days before, using the text approximately attached below. Please consider this request as an Arbitration, according to Security Policy 3.3 [5]. I have no SQL to submit, sorry about that! }}} * Relief: execute script Before: Arbitrator UlrichSchroeter (A), Respondent: CAcert (R), Claimant: Ian Grigg (C), Case: a20090427.2 == History Log == . 2009-05-17 (Support): Sebastian Kueppers granted Arbitrator for the case . 2009-12-25 (UlrichSchroeter): arbitrator released this case as of [[Arbitrations/a20091118.4|a20091118.4]] . 2009-12-25 (A): I'll take care about this case . 2009-12-25 (A): ruling == Discovery == * The requested scripted mailing was planned for ATE-London, May 12th, 2009. Now its Dec 25th, 2009. A "late" mailing doesn't make any sense * A mailing has been triggered by the Events Team Leader So May 10th 2009. The script has been executed by PG Mo May 11th, 0:49 * Arbitration case [[https://wiki.cacert.org/Arbitrations/a20090525.1|a20090525.1]] has been ruled as a prescedents. So therefor this case is also covered by this case. == Ruling == I now do a late review on this case. Script execution request follows the Arbitration case [[https://wiki.cacert.org/Arbitrations/a20090525.1|a20090525.1]] ruling. The script has been executed and is in compliance to arbitration case [[https://wiki.cacert.org/Arbitrations/a20090525.1|a20090525.1]]. So therefor no further actions are needed. Frankfurt/Main Dec 25th, 2009 == Execution == . 2009-05-11 (PG): ATE-London, May 12th, 2009 Report -> invitation sent to 83 recipients. . 2009-12-25 (A): case closed. == Similiar Cases == || [[https://wiki.cacert.org/Arbitrations/a20090525.1|a20090525.1]] || [[https://wiki.cacert.org/Arbitrations/a20090525.1|Event officer request recurrent notification to assurers near the location of the following ATEs]] || ---- . CategoryArbitration . CategoryArbCaseSystemTasks