His official names are correct. But not his additional artist name "rimshot", that is not on his handwritten CAP form and even if, I would not have accepted it, as it is not part of his presented official document (Swiss Identity Card).

A: To initialize the case the following E-Mail was written to the Claimant and the Respondent.

Dear Gentlemen,

please indicate that you agree to this arbitration in accordance to the Dispute Resolution Policy as well as the CAcert Community Agreement.

You can find the currently known details of the case at:


Kind regards,

Philipp Dunkel

A: Received a reply from the claimant. However the respondent has not yet replied. I have therefore sent another email to him requesting a response.

2009-09-07 : The following E-Mail was sent to the respondenent:

Dear Joel,

as you may be aware the CAcert Community Agreement requires you to keep your primary email address in working order.

  3.5 Communication

  Notifications to CAcert are to be sent by email to the address support at CAcert.org.
  You should attach a digital signature, but need not do so in the event of security or similar urgency.

  Notifications to you are sent by CAcert to the primary email address registered with your account.
  You are responsible for keeping your email account in good working order and able to receive emails from CAcert.

  Arbitration is generally conducted by email.

Since you are currently part of an arbitration you have been contacted twice before via E-Mail (see below).

Please be aware that your account may well be terminated if you do not respond. Furthermore there are additional steps that can be taken. Please acknowledge this email as well as your acceptance of the DRP and the CCA. This is just for the record, since I have been informed that you have already physically signed those statements during a recent assurance.

Philipp Dunkel

2010-01-31 : The following mail was sent to the respondent:

Dear Joel,

since you have not responded to my mail regarding the above case, I have to inform you that you are found to be in breach of the CAcert Community Agreement, and that you account will be terminated.

In order to prevent this from happening, please respond to this e-mail by Monday the 15th of January 2010. Unless you have responded by then and accepted the arbitration process by that date, your account will be terminated and all your certificates will be revoked.

Best regards,
Philipp Dunkel

2010-01-31 : The following email was sent to the repsondent

Dear Joel,

once in a while errors are made. Of course the deadline is not in the past. 

The deadline should have read Monday the 15th of February 2010

Philipp Dunkel

<Below was a copy of the above email>

History Log



Frankfurt/Main, 2010-09-30


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Arbitrations/a20090406.1 (last edited 2010-09-30 14:21:24 by UlrichSchroeter)