. '''NOTA BENE - WORK IN PROGRESS''' - [[#Inputs_&_Thoughts|Your Inputs & Thoughts]] :-)
. '''To Arbitration [[Arbitrations|Arbitrations]]''' - To Arbitration [[Arbitrations/Training|Training & Lessons]]
== Arbitration Team Meeting Agendas & Minutes ==
. Agenda, Procedure and Purpose of Committee Meeting is described in '''[[Brain/CAcertInc/Committee/MeetingAgendasAndMinutes/Overview| Explanation of Meeting Agenda & Minutes of the Committee ]]'''. Arbitration team meetings are less formal. A quorum will be build by the count of attendees. But attending an arbitration team meeting influences sign of activity of Case Managers / Arbitrators. Minutes follows the form of Committee Meeting Agendas and Minutes except: topics can be added within the meeting, Transcripts will be added onto the priv subdir following the added template, minutes should be written at least one day before the next meeting, so attendees could read the minutes of last meeting before meeting starts, read also hints on [[Arbitrations/Meetings/AcceptMinutes|Acceptance of Minutes]].
. For Meeting Agenda & Minutes use '''[[Arbitrations/Meetings/Template| Template Next Meeting]]''' by copy & paste and add/fill in relevant content / date to "Meetings by Date" below.
== Meetings by Date ==
. Arbitration Team meetings are usually held once a month, to be precise, the 3rd Thursday of each month, at 21:00 UTC (22 CET). Their is no invitation, as it is expected Arbitration Team members have a fundamental interest in CAcert.org and therefore attend in due time, means punctual.
. For planning purpose, it is recommended or even expected, Arbitration Team to schedule precise meeting dates for the next 3 months in advance.
. In case of emergency or otherwise needed, additional meetings can be held upon invitation in due time in advance.
=== 2014 ===
. Meeting Agenda & Minutes '''[[Arbitrations/Meetings/ATAgendaandMinutes-2014xxyy| 2014-xx-yy]]''' (day 2014-xx-yy hh:mm UTC) - '''!!! Next regular Meeting, please add Tops here!'''
. Meeting Agenda & Minutes '''[[Arbitrations/Meetings/ATAgendaandMinutes-20140323| 2014-03-23]]''' (Sunday 2014-03-23 09:00 UTC) - '''!!! Meeting cancelled due to insufficient people available!'''
=== 2013 ===
. Meeting Agenda & Minutes '''[[Arbitrations/Meetings/ATAgendaandMinutes-20130620| 2013-06-20]]''' (Thursday, 22 CEST, 20 UTC) . Meeting Agenda & Minutes '''[[Arbitrations/Meetings/ATAgendaandMinutes-20130516| 2013-05-16]]''' (Thursday, 22 CEST, 20 UTC)
. Meeting Agenda & Minutes '''[[Arbitrations/Meetings/ATAgendaandMinutes-20130418| 2013-04-18]]''' (Thursday, 22 CEST, 20 UTC) (did not happen)
. Meeting Agenda & Minutes '''[[Arbitrations/Meetings/ATAgendaandMinutes-20130321| 2013-03-21]]''' (Thursday 22 CET, 21 UTC)
. Meeting Agenda & Minutes '''[[Arbitrations/Meetings/ATAgendaandMinutes-20130221| 2013-02-21]]''' (Thursday 22 CET, 21 UTC) ''(did not happen)''
. Meeting Agenda & Minutes '''[[Arbitrations/Meetings/ATAgendaandMinutes-20130117| 2013-01-17]]''' (Thursday 22 CET, 21 UTC)
=== 2012 ===
. Meeting Agenda & Minutes '''[[Arbitrations/Meetings/ATAgendaandMinutes-20121205| 2012-12-05]]''' (Wednesday, 22 CET, 21 UTC)
. Meeting Agenda & Minutes '''[[Arbitrations/Meetings/ATAgendaandMinutes-20121024| 2012-10-24]]''' (Wednesday, 22 CET, 21 UTC)
=== 2011 ===
. Meeting Agenda & Minutes '''[[Arbitrations/Meetings/ATAgendaandMinutes-20110503| 2011-05-03]]''' (Tuesday, 21 CET, 19 UTC)
. Meeting Agenda & Minutes '''[[Arbitrations/Meetings/ATAgendaandMinutes-20110405| 2011-04-05]]''' (Tuesday, 21 CET, 19 UTC)
. Meeting Agenda & Minutes '''[[Arbitrations/Meetings/ATAgendaandMinutes-20110316| 2011-03-16]]''' (Wednesday, 20 CET, 19 UTC) (did not happen)
. Meeting Agenda & Minutes '''[[Arbitrations/Meetings/ATAgendaandMinutes-20110301| 2011-03-01]]''' (Tuesday, 21 CET, 20 UTC)
. Meeting Agenda & Minutes '''[[Arbitrations/Meetings/ATAgendaandMinutes-20110216| 2011-02-16]]''' (Wednesday, 20 CET, 19 UTC)
. Meeting Agenda & Minutes '''[[Arbitrations/Meetings/ATAgendaandMinutes-20110201| 2011-02-01]]''' (Tuesday, 21 CET, 20 UTC)
. Meeting Agenda & Minutes ''' 2011-01-19''' (did not happen)
. Meeting Agenda & Minutes '''[[Arbitrations/Meetings/ATAgendaandMinutes-20110104| 2011-01-04]]''' (Tuesday, 21 CET, 20 UTC)
=== 2010 ===
. Meeting Agenda & Minutes '''[[Arbitrations/Meetings/ATAgendaandMinutes-20101207| 2010-12-07]]''' (Tuesday, 21 CET, 20 UTC)
. Meeting Agenda & Minutes '''[[Arbitrations/Meetings/ATAgendaandMinutes-20101117| 2010-11-17]]''' (Wednesday, 20 CET, 19 UTC) (defered)
. Meeting Agenda & Minutes '''[[Arbitrations/Meetings/ATAgendaandMinutes-20101102| 2010-11-02]]''' (Tuesday, 21 CET, 20 UTC (wintertime!))
. Meeting Agenda & Minutes '''[[Arbitrations/Meetings/ATAgendaandMinutes-20101020| 2010-10-20]]''' (Wednesday, 20 CEST, 18 UTC)
. Meeting Agenda & Minutes '''[[Arbitrations/Meetings/ATAgendaandMinutes-20101005| 2010-10-05]]''' (Tuesday, 21 CEST, 19 UTC) (defered)
. Meeting Agenda & Minutes '''[[Arbitrations/Meetings/ATAgendaandMinutes-20100922| 2010-09-22]]''' (Wednesday, 20 CEST, 18 UTC) (defered)
. Meeting Agenda & Minutes '''[[Arbitrations/Meetings/ATAgendaandMinutes-20100907| 2010-09-07]]''' (Tuesday, 21 CEST, 19 UTC)
. Meeting Agenda & Minutes '''[[Arbitrations/Meetings/ATAgendaandMinutes-20100818| 2010-08-18]]''' (Wednesday, 20 CEST, 18 UTC)
. Meeting Agenda & Minutes '''[[Arbitrations/Meetings/ATAgendaandMinutes-20100803| 2010-08-03]]''' (Tuesday, 21 CEST, 19 UTC)
. Meeting Agenda & Minutes '''[[Arbitrations/Meetings/ATAgendaandMinutes-20100721| 2010-07-21]]''' (Wednesday)
. Meeting Agenda & Minutes '''[[Arbitrations/Meetings/ATAgendaandMinutes-20100706| 2010-07-06]]''' (Tuesday)
. Meeting Agenda & Minutes '''[[Arbitrations/Meetings/ATAgendaandMinutes-20100616| 2010-06-16]]''' (Wednesday)
. Meeting Agenda & Minutes '''[[Arbitrations/Meetings/ATAgendaandMinutes-20100602| 2010-06-02]]''' (Wednesday)
. Meeting Agenda & Minutes '''[[Arbitrations/Meetings/ATAgendaandMinutes-20100511| 2010-05-11]]''' (Tuesday)
. Meeting Agenda & Minutes '''[[Arbitrations/Meetings/ATAgendaandMinutes-20100428| 2010-04-28]]''' - Moved from 21st to 28th (Wednesday)
. Meeting Agenda & Minutes '''[[Arbitrations/Meetings/ATAgendaandMinutes-20100406| 2010-04-06]]''' (Tuesday)
. Meeting Agenda & Minutes '''[[Arbitrations/Meetings/ATAgendaandMinutes-20100317| 2010-03-17]]''' (Wednesday)
. Meeting Agenda & Minutes '''[[Arbitrations/Meetings/ATAgendaandMinutes-20100302| 2010-03-02]]''' (Tuesday)
. Meeting Agenda & Minutes '''[[Arbitrations/Meetings/ATAgendaandMinutes-20100217| 2010-02-17]]''' (Wednesday)
. Meeting Agenda & Minutes '''[[Arbitrations/Meetings/ATAgendaandMinutes-20100202| 2010-02-02]]''' (Tuesday)
. Meeting Agenda & Minutes '''[[Arbitrations/Meetings/ATAgendaandMinutes-20100120| 2010-01-20]]''' (Wednesday)
. Meeting Agenda & Minutes '''[[Arbitrations/Meetings/ATAgendaandMinutes-20100104| 2010-01-04]]'''
. more about [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meeting| Meeting]] '' source: en.wikipedia.org''
. more about [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agenda_(meeting)| Meeting Agenda]] '' source: en.wikipedia.org''
. more about [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minutes| Meeting Minutes]] '' source: en.wikipedia.org''
== Inputs & Thoughts ==
. {{{
Text / Your Statements, thoughts and e-mail snippets, Please
. {{{
Text / Your Statements, thoughts and e-mail snippets, Please
. CategoryArbitration
. CategoryArbMeeting