. '''To Arbitration [[Arbitrations|Arbitrations]] - To Arbitration [[Arbitrations/Training|Training & Lessons]]''' . '''Back to [[Arbitrations/Meetings|Arbitration Team Meetings]]''' ---- == Arbitration Team Meeting 2010-05-11 == . 1 '''Preliminaries''' . 1.1 Chair opens the Committee Meeting . 1.2 Accept the '''[[Arbitrations/Meetings/ATAgendaandMinutes-20100406| Minutes of the Arbitration Team Meeting 2010-04-06]]''' . 1.3 Accept the '''[[Arbitrations/Meetings/ATAgendaandMinutes-20100428| Minutes of the last Arbitration Team Meeting]]''' . 2 '''Businesses''' - Important Note: '''Acceptance of Businesses 48 Hours before beginning of Arbitration Team Meeting latest!''' .2.1 '''Top One''' added by YourName ''- Comment: Replace "Top One" by Title of Top and add your Name'' . Additional Inputs ''- Comment: Replace "Additional Inputs"by Description of Top, Description of Reason-Why/Purpose, Additional Comments, Additional Documents, Additional Links, if useful for other Arbitration Team Members to prepare for Arbitration Team Meeting.'' .2.2 '''Top Two''' added by YourName ''- Comment: Replace "Top Two" by Title of Top and add your Name'' . Additional Inputs ''- Comment: Replace "Additional Inputs"by Description of Top, Description of Reason-Why/Purpose, Additional Comments, Additional Documents, Additional Links, if useful for other Arbitration Team Members to prepare for Arbitration Team Meeting.'' . et cetera . 3 '''Question Time''' - Important Note: '''Questions from CAcert.org Community Members can be added until beginning of Arbitration Team Meeting! As well questions can be asked at "Question Time", without added Question here''' . 3.1 "Question One" added by YourName ''- Comment: Replace "Question One" by Your Question and add your Name'' . et cetera . 4 '''Closing''' . 4.1 Confirm next Arbitration Team Meeting: Usually every 1st Tuesday and the 3rd Wednesday of the month, 20:00 UTC (19 CET). . 4.2 Chair closes the Arbitration Team Meeting . 4.3 Preparation of Minutes <
> == Minutes - Arbitration Team Meeting 2010-05-11 == <
> Meeting did not happen. Nobody was in IRC channel. ==== Synopsis of Meeting Contents ==== . Text <
> ==== Meeting Transcript ==== * [[Arbitrations/Meetings/Transcripts/transcript-meeting-100511|Meeting Transcript 2010-05-11]] ([[https://wiki.cacert.org/Arbitrations/Meetings/Transcripts/Transcripts-Page-Template|Transcripts-Page-Template]]) <
> ---- == Inputs & Thoughts == . YYYYMMDD-YourName . {{{ Text / Your Statements, thoughts and e-mail snippets, Please }}} ---- . YYYYMMDD-YourName . {{{ Text / Your Statements, thoughts and e-mail snippets, Please }}} ---- . CategoryArbitration . CategoryArbMeeting