= agm20100130.4.10 Committee Elections = == Result - CARRIED == || ''' CARRIED ''' || ||accepted by AGM: || || ''' agm20100130.4.10 ''' || == Introduction == Add that Elections at AGM must accept ballots before the election, for 14 days. This just fixes an oversight. * submitted [[https://lists.cacert.org/wws/arc/cacert-members/2010-01/msg00011.html|resolution "committee elections / 1"]] * ''hmmm... if I get a chance, change the last words to '''with signed response email'''.'' == Motion Carried (New Text) == || ''' agm20100130.4.10 ''' || ||do not make changes /!\ || '''By inserting the following at the end of rule 16:''' {{{ (7) Early Ballots may be made with digitally signed email to the secretary, or using other usual and proper methods as the committee may direct. Early ballots must be accepted from fourteen days prior to, and up to one hour before the meeting, and be accepted with signed email. }}} '''By deleting clause 33(3) and inserting in its place:''' {{{ (3) Early votes may be made with digitally signed email to the secretary, or using other usual and proper methods as the committee may direct. Early votes must be accepted from fourteen days prior to, and up to one hour before the meeting, and be accepted with signed email. }}} === old Motion (New Text) === '''By inserting the following at the end of rule 16:''' {{{ (7) Postal ballots and ballots submitted via the Internet for the election of the committee, via digitally signed email or by any other proper method as the committee may direct, must be accepted for fourteen days prior to the holding of the annual general meeting. }}} === Old Text === === Comments === * [[Iang]] Is there any need to accept Postal ballots? We are a digital community, we are a reliable community, we can do reliable email; post is a pain, post gets lost, and costs us inordinate amounts of paper-shuffling time. Let's strike a chord and drop them? * [[Iang]] Suggest the following alternate text: '''By inserting the following at the end of rule 16:''' {{{ (7) Early Ballots may be made with digitally signed email to the secretary, or using other usual and proper methods as the committee may direct. Early ballots must be accepted from fourteen days prior to, and up to one hour before the meeting, and be accepted with signed email. }}} * [[Iang]] , and, suggest the following alternate text: '''By deleting clause 33(3) and inserting in its place:''' {{{ (3) Early votes may be made with digitally signed email to the secretary, or using other usual and proper methods as the committee may direct. Early votes must be accepted from fourteen days prior to, and up to one hour before the meeting, and be accepted with signed email. }}}