. '''To [[AGM|AGM]]''' - '''To [[AGM/Next]]''' - '''To [[AGM/FinancialReport|Financial Reports Overview]]''' - '''To [[AGM/BoardReport/2011|AGM Board Report 2011]]''' ---- = Financial Report 2010-2011 = Html format: [[https://wiki.cacert.org/AGM/FinancialReport/2011?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=Balance.html|Balance sheet]] and [[https://wiki.cacert.org/AGM/FinancialReport/2011?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=Income.html|Income statement]] Take note that in the above two html reports, due to some problem with my localization settings, instead of showing a dollar sign ($), a euro sign is displayed (€). == Balance Sheet 30 June 2011 == Assets on 30 June 2011, compared to 30 June 2010. Currencies in AUD unless noted otherwise. 1 USD = 0.909 AUD 1 EUR = 1.306 AUD === Assets === || '''Account Number''' || '''Account name''' || '''2010/2011''' || '''Difference %''' ||'''2009/2010''' || || 1705 || Petty Cash || 0 || 0% || 0 || || 1702 || Paypal AUD || 798.09 || -62% || 2089.34 || || 1703 || Paypal USD || USD 2603.65 is AUD 2366.72 || +91% || 1262.31 USD is 1240.72 AUD || || 1704 || Paypal EUR || 49.63 EUR is AUD 64.82 || -86% || 330.68 EUR is 452.12 AUD || || 1706 || Credit Union Aust || 137.25 || 0% || 137.25 || || 1700 || Westpac Savings Account || AUD 10720.79 || +5% || 10174.72 || || 1701 || Westpac Transaction Account || AUD 345.05 || +7% || 323.90 || || 1800 || Accounts receivable EUR || 0 || N/A || 0 || || || '''Total Current Assets''' || '''14432.72''' || '''+0.1%''' || '''14418.05''' || Assets remain stable this year, only some shifts between currencies. There are no fixed assets hence, the total of assets equals the total current assets. === Current Liabilities === || '''Account Number''' || '''Account name''' || '''2010/2011''' || '''Difference %''' ||'''2009/2010''' || || 31 || Accounts payable^(1)^ || AUD 1.023,40 || N/A || 0 || || || Provision for bills to receive EUR^(2)^ || 1439.78 EUR is AUD 1880.35 || -1.2% || 1903.53 AUD || || || '''Total Current Liabilities''' || '''2903.75''' || '''+53%''' || '''1903.53''' || ^(1)^ These are costs to be reimbursed for the ATEs in Australia ^(2)^ This is an anticipation for a bill to cover hosting costs for Q1 + Q2 in 2011. === Equity === || '''Account Number''' || '''Account name''' || '''2010/2011''' || '''Difference %''' ||'''2009/2010''' || || 41 || Retained Earnings (last year) || 12514.52 || +28% || 9792.10 || || 32000 || Retained Earnings (this year)^(2)^ || -985.56 || -136% || 2722.42 || || || '''Total Equity''' || 11528.96 || '''-8%''' || '''12514.52''' || || || '''Total Liabilities and Equity''' || '''14432.72''' || '''+0.1%''' || '''14418.05''' || ^(2)^ This includes profits/losses due to exchange variance == Income statement 30 June 2011 == === Own Income === || '''Account Number''' || '''Account name''' || '''2010/2011''' || '''Difference %''' ||'''2009/2010''' || || 4010 || Donation || 2691.81 || +9% || 2470.34 || || 4011+4012 || Assurer Certificates || 80 EUR is 104.48 AUD || -71% || 265 EUR is 362.32 AUD || || || Donation EUR || 90 EUR is 117.54 AUD || N/A || 0 || || || Donation USD || 35 USD is 31.82 AUD || N/A || 0 || || 4015 || Password Reset Service || 660 USD is 599.94 AUD || -46% || 1140 USD is 1120.50 AUD || || 4030 || Donation other || 0 || N/A || 0 || || 4150 USD || Membership-fees USD || 720 USD is 654.48 AUD || +2% || 650 USD is 638.88 AUD || || 4150 AUD || Membership-fees AUD || 72 || -38% || 115.70 || || 4150 Total || Membership-fees || 726.48 || -4% || 754.58 || || 4210 EUR || Income Advertising EUR || 0 || -100% || 650 EUR is 888.70 AUD || || 4210 AUD || Income Advertising AUD || 129.30 || -78% || 582.93 || || 4210 Total || Income Advertising || 129.30 || -91% || 1471.63 || || || '''Total Own Income''' || '''4401.37''' || '''-29%''' || '''6179.37''' || Income dropped, mainly due to less google ads payments, no advertising on the website and less usage of the paid password reset service. === Other Income === || '''Account Number''' || '''Account name''' || '''2010/2011''' || '''Difference %''' ||'''2009/2010''' || || 7010 || Interest Income || 204.92 || -9% || 226.08 || || || '''Total Other Income''' || '''204.92''' || '''-9%''' || '''226.08''' || === Cost of Sales === || '''Account Number''' || '''Account name''' || '''2010/2011''' || '''Difference %''' ||'''2009/2010''' || || 6336 || Domains || 0 || N/A || 0 || || 6351 || Internet hosting services || 2927.09 EUR is 3822.78 AUD || -4% || 2918.86 EUR is 3990.76 AUD || || || ksplice || 0 || -100% || 119.40 USD is 117.36 AUD || || || Hardware || 96.98 EUR is 126.66 AUD || N/A || 0 || || || '''Total Cost of Sales''' || '''3949.44''' || '''-4%''' || '''4108.12''' || === Other expenses === ==== Events ==== || '''Account Number''' || '''Account name''' || '''2010/2011''' || '''Difference %''' ||'''2009/2010''' || || || Events ^(1)^ || 1023.40 || N/A || 0 || || || '''Total Events''' || '''1023.40''' || '''N/A''' || '''0''' || ^(1)^ ATEs organised in Australia ==== Other expenses ==== || '''Account Number''' || '''Account name''' || '''2010/2011''' || '''Difference %''' ||'''2009/2010''' || || 6050 || Exchange variance || 300.95 || +193% || -322.62 || || || Software testers reward challenge EUR || 90 EUR is 117.54 AUD || +100% || 0 || || 6120 AUD || Bank Service Charges || 104.35 || -32% || 152.46 || || 6120 EUR || Bank Service Charges || 22.37 EUR is 29.22 AUD || -28% || 29.86 EUR is 40.83 AUD || || 6120 USD || Bank Service Charges || 73.66 USD is 66.96 AUD || -31% || 98.61 USD is 96.92 AUD || || 6120 Total || Bank Service Charges || 200.53 || -31% || 290.21 || || 6242 || Fees and Charges Inc. || 0 || -100% || 109 || || 6250 || Postage and Delivery expenses || 0 || N/A || 0 || || || '''Total Other expenses ^(1)^ ''' || '''619.02''' || '''+708%''' || '''76.59''' || ^(1)^ Not including audit costs above Other exenses are higher than usual because of some losses due to exchange variance. ==== Depreciation & Amortisation ==== || '''Account Number''' || '''Account name''' || '''2010/2011''' || '''Difference %''' ||'''2009/2010''' || || 6150 || Depreciation Expense || 0 || N/A || 0 || || || '''Total Depreciation & Amortisation''' || '''0''' || '''N/A''' || '''0''' || || || '''Grand total Other expenses ^(1)^''' || '''1642.42''' || '''+2044%''' || '''76.59''' || ^(1)^ Events + other expenses = grand total of other expenses (1023.40+619.02=1642.42) === Total === || || '''Net profit / loss''' || '''-985.56''' || '''-136%''' || '''2722.42''' || Profit/loss = income - expenses = own income + other income - cost of sales - grand total other expenses ---- . [[CategoryCAcertInc]]