[[AGM/Next|Back to AGM 2015]] = Diary of the Committee 2014/2015 = July 2014 to September 2015 == Keypersons List (KPL) == An up-to-date Keypersons list was requested by arbitration during the previous legislative period of committee. Since it was not possible to collect the necessary data during that time a new board member was nominated to take care of this list in late Summer. As there was no progress the task to collect the data was handed over to Eva in February 2015. After some issues with members on this KPL it was handed over to president in August. Currently it's not clear how this list should be distributed. == Motions == During the previous period there were some motions, which had to be overruled by new motions. Board took care of these motions in August 2014 and September 2015 and corrected (overruled) these motions. == DRO == After the resignation of the former DRO at the end of the last period board appointed Martin as a new DRO in late summer 2014. == Policy Officer == Eva resigned as policy officer during Summer 2014. After her resignation there was a initiative, consens and policy motion within Policy Group to reinstall her as Policy Officer. Eva agreed to get reinstalled as policy offer. No action was taken by board. == Possible Member Exclusion == There was one case about an exclusion of a CAcert Inc. member during the previous period. The member left CAcert Inc. on its own. Board decided to hand over this to Arbitration during late summer 2014. == CxO-Meeting == During Froscon (late August 2014) there was a CAcert Officer meeting at Froscon. The president joined this meeting as representative for board. During this meeting various items were didiscussed from the view of nearly all officers. There was a consens to do a better teamwork, do more report to and from PR and search more actively for now volunteers. == Document Officer == Sebastian was appointed as Document Officer in late summer 2014. == MD5 / Root Key Resigning == In autumn there was a discussion about a resigning of our root key to avoid the MD5-Issue. The software team made some tests and preparations until it was presented to board during a boardmeeting in April. Unfortunately it was not possible to find a wording for a motion where Benny (representing Software) could agree. Some months later the same wording was agreed by Benny so it passed in early July. On Froscon 2015 there was a successful test-run of this Root Key Resigning. == Installation Instructions == Etienne collected installation instructions for CAcert certificates from various CAcert members. == CCA-Rollout == During 2014 the rollout of a new CCA was created. All users were informed late summer 2014 about this update. Unfortunately the old CCA was active for some days in early 2015 due to a software issue. To inform all affected users Policy Officer had to file an dispute about the authority to initiate this mailing questioned by Software, which was granted by arbitration. This caused a delay of several weeks and discussions during several board meetings. == Software Teamlead == Michael resigned from Software Teamlead during autumn 2014. In early 2015 there was a board motion to install Benny as a new teamleader, which was declined. Since then board takes the role as Software Teamlead. == PR Officer == Alexander was removed as PR teamlead in early 2015. There were plans to install a new PR Teamlead in spring 2015, which did not take place due to various reasons. == Event Officer == Walter resigned as Event Officer teamlead in autumn 2014. Until now there were no volunteers presented to board. == Let's Encrypt == There was a contact to "Let's encrypt" on 31c3. Unfortunately this contact wasn't kept due to a missing mission statement from board. == Support Issues == There were some issues with a Support Team Member especially by handling "Delete Account Cases". This resulted in a temporary block to Support-Console and OTRS for this team member ruled by Arbitration in April. The remove of this block requires a successful training of this team member and can be ordered by board or arbitration. Until now no successful training of this team member took part. Another Support Team Member announced on Froscon 2015 his suspension from support. To keep Support working Arbitration appointed two Support-Members (after proposal/motion by board) to do the most important support tasks temporarily until Support is working again. == Inter-Team-Issues == In early 2015 there were a lot of issues between different teams, which were brought to board. This costed a lot of time for board and arbitration. == Funding == Board agreed to change the "Advertising"-Link to our own internal crowdfunding. == Continuing moving CAcert to Europe == A team (build by boardmembers and non-board-members) is working on the move to Europe. == Audit incidents == There were some findings from Audit where procedures were not followed. One of these findings resulted in a board-motion to do a privacy CATS (to be created) once a year. Other findings require changes in software and/or process descriptions. == Security issues == In autumn 2014 there was an issue detected with OTP logins. One part of this issue was solved within a very short time, the second part was changed by software after several months and arbitration interaction. Another issue was detected in August 2015. Up to now board wasn't informed with details. == Arbitration Issues == During 2015 the type of raised disputes changed. They got more and more against different teams or had personal issues. These disputes, appeals and resolutions (for AGM) block a lot of resources not only in arbitration and create destabilisation within CAcert and CAcert Inc. == Presence on Events == As in the years before CAcert was present on several events. On most of these events one or more boardmembers were present. == Milestones reached during the last year == CAcert reached 300.000 community members in February Sixth language translation (Czech) was completed in January More than 34000 new CAcert community members in 2014 (which makes 2014 the Year with the biggest membership growth) Successfull test-run of Root Key Resigning == Inputs & Thoughts ==